2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Andrew Bennett, Head
Professors: Auckly, Bennett, Chermak, Cochrane, Crane, Korten, Lin, Maginnis, Maldonado, Nagy, Naibo, Pinner, Poggi-Corradini, Ramm, Soibelman, and Yetter; Associate Professors: Albin, Blank, Hakobyan, Höehn, Muenzenberger, Reznikoff, Rojkovskaia, Spencer, Turchin, Volok, and Zharkov; Assistant Professors: Alali, Amorim, Anno, Firsova, Ihnatsyeva, Jaberi-Douraki, Kerr, Li, Mazin, Nguyen, Sadykov, and Zemlyanova; Instructor: Khamis; Emeriti Professors: Burckel, Crane, Dixon, Dressler, Lee, Miller, Pigno, Saeki, Stamey, and Strecker; Emeriti Associate Professor: Li.
138 Cardwell Hall
Fax: 785-532-0546
E-mail: math@math.k-state.edu
Our modern technological world has many fields that require mathematical expertise. The Department of Mathematics at K-State offers courses for those pursuing a career in mathematics as well as those needing quantitative and problem-solving skills for use in other fields.
Mathematics graduates are sought both for their specialized knowledge and for their ability to reason and think analytically and solve problems. Well into the future, there will be a demand for mathematically trained people in technologically related positions dealing with applications and in education at all levels.
Dual majors and dual degrees
Students may major in mathematics and another discipline within the College of Arts and Sciences. The degree requirements of both departments must be met. Students may obtain a degree in mathematics and a second degree in a field in another college such as business administration, education, or engineering. The degree requirements of both colleges and majors must be met.
Information for nonmajors
Most colleges and departments require at least one mathematics course. Students should check with their advisors to determine which mathematics courses to take. Incoming students are provided a Placement Exam by K-State that will aid them in selecting the appropriate entry-level mathematics course. Expanded mathematics course descriptions are online.
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science/Master of Science