2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Michael Krysko, Chair
University Distinguished Professor: Linder; Professors: Frey, Hamscher, Mrozek, Parillo, Sherow, and Stone; Associate Professors: Breen, Graff, Krysko, Lynn-Sherow, McCrea, Maner, Mulready-Stone, Sanders, and Williams; Assistant Professors: Defries, Morgan and Orr; Emeriti Professors: Gray, Holl, and McCulloh; Emeritus Associate Professor: Ferguson.
117D Calvin Hall
Fax: 785-532-2045
E-mail: hoffice@k-state.edu
The history program appeals not only to majors but to all students seeking a rewarding educational experience. The curriculum includes courses in traditional and nontraditional fields of interest taught by a nationally respected faculty willing to try new and innovative teaching techniques. A program of speakers, seminars, colloquia, and films supplements the curriculum to stimulate student interest in the discipline of history and how it is expressed.
Students switching to a history major or adding a history major or minor after the first semester at K-State must have a cumulative GPA of 2.2 or better.
Undergraduate advisors in the history department maintain up-to-date information regarding requirements of graduate and professional schools and relevant course offerings in history and other departments.
Transfer students
Normally the history department will accept transfer credit for history courses taught at accredited institutions of higher education. In the case of students transferring from community colleges, only courses equivalent to those taught at the freshman-sophomore level at K-State (courses numbered HIST 100 through HIST 299) may receive credit for the history major.
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
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