2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Educational Leadership
David C. Thompson, Chair
Professors: Devin, Polson, Rankin, Spikes, Thompson, and Zacharakis; Associate Professors: Bhattacharya, Collins, Fishback, Kang, O’Dell, Tolar, Yelich-Biniecki, and A. Wefald; Assistant Professors: Augustine-Shaw, Favor, Fine, Finnegan, Hachiya, Kliewar, Liang, Priest, and Siefers; Instructors: Bauer, Gott, Hornung, and Long; Emeriti: Bailey, Byrne, Meisner, Miller, Oaklief, Ross, Salsberry, Shoop, Stewart, and Wilson.
363 Bluemont Hall
Fax: 785-532-7304
E-mail: edlea@k-state.edu
Adult and Continuing Education
Educational Leadership