2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
305 Coles Hall
Fax: 785-532-4481
Department Head:
M.M. Chengappa
Director of Graduate Studies:
T.G. Nagaraja
Graduate Faculty:
A. Paige Adams, Ph.D., Cornell University
Gary Anderson, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University; University of California-Davis
*Gordon Andrews, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University; ACVP Diplomate
Prema Arasu, Ph.D., Drexel University
*Jianfa Bai, Ph.D., Kanas State University
Bhupinder Bawa, Ph.D., University of Texas A&M
Michael B. Cates, M.P.H., DVM, University of Texas Health Science Center; Texas A&M University
*Natalia Cernicchiaro, DVM, Ph.D., University of Guelph
*Kyeong-Ok Chang, DVM, Ph.D., The Ohio State University
*M. M. Chengappa, DVM, Ph.D., Michigan State University; ACVM Diplomate
Sally Davis, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Brad DeBey, DVM, Ph.D., Iowa State University; ACVP Diplomate
*Steve Dritz, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Barbara Drolet, Ph.D., Oregon State University
*Michael W. Dryden, DVM, Ph.D., Purdue University
Catharine Ewen, Ph.D., University of Alberta
Bonto Faburay, Ph.D., Utrecht University
*Ying Fang, Ph.D., South Dakota State University
*Roman Reddy Ganta, Ph.D., All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Anuradha Ghosh, Ph.D., Institute of Microbial Technology
Cathleen Alma Hanlon, DVM, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
*Philip Hardwidge, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic Graduate School
Benjamin Hause, Ph.D., South Dakota State University
Jamie Henningson, Ph.D., University of Nebraska
Richard Allen Hesse, Ph.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center
*Stephen Higgs, Ph.D., Reading University (UK)
*Justin Kastner, Ph.D., University of Guelph
Yunjeong Kim, Ph.D., Ohio State University
*Wenjun Ma, Ph.D., Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany
*Jodi L. McGill, Ph.D., University of Iowa
Scott McVey, DVM, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
*Derek A. Mosier, DVM, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University; ACVP Diplomate
*T. G. Nagaraja, MVSc, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Sanjeevkumar Narayanan, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University. ACVM and ACVP Diplomate
*Annelise Nguyen, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
*Jerome Nietfeld, DVM, Ph.D., University of Georgia; ACVP Diplomate
*Richard D. Oberst, DVM, Ph.D., University of California
Patricia A. Payne, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Lisa Pohlman, DVM, University of Guelph
*Doug Powell, Ph.D., University of Guelph, Canada
Ram Raghavan, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*David G. Renter, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Jurgen Richt, DVM, Ph.D., Universitat Giessen, Germany
*R. Robert R. Rowland, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Mark Ruder, Ph.D., University of Georgia
*Michael Sanderson, DVM, Colorado State University; MS, Washington State University
*Harvey Morgan Scott, DVM, Ph.D., University of Guelph, Canada
*Deon Van Der Merwe, DVM, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
*Dana Vanlandingham, Ph.D., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
*Victoriya Volkova, Ph.D., Mississippi State University
Melinda Wilkerson, DVM, Ph.D., Washington State University, ACVP and ACVCP Diplomate
William Wilson, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
*Carol R. Wyatt, Ph.D., Washington State University
*Weiping Zhang, Ph.D., Iowa State University
*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.
Ancillary Graduate Faculty:
Michael Apley, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University, ACVCP Diplomate
Frank Blecha, Ph.D., Washington State University
Ronette Gehring, DVM, MMEdVet. University of Pretoria, South Africa
Larry Hollis, DVM, M. Ag., Texas A&M University
Robert Larson, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University, ACT, ACVPM Diplomate
Abbey Nutsch, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Randall K. Phebus, Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Dolores Takemoto, Ph.D., University of Southern California
Daniel Thomson DVM, Ph.D., Texas Tech University
Mark Weiss, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Brad White, DVM, MS, Mississippi State University
Ludek Zurek, Ph. D., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Adjunct Graduate Faculty:
Jason Ackleson, Ph.D., The London School of Economics
David Ashford, DVM, MPH, D. Sc., Harvard University
Debbie Briggs, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Benjamin Chapman, Ph.D., University of Guelph
Jerry P. Jaax, DVM, Kansas State University, ACLAM Diplomate
Kelly Lechtenberg, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Graduate Faculty Associate:
Kelli Almes, DVM, Kansas State University
Gregg Hanzlicek, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Julie Johnson, Ph.D., Iowa State University
Brian Lubbers, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Scott Rusk, M.S., Iowa State University
Program description
The Pathobiology Graduate Program of the College of Veterinary Medicine offers graduate programs leading to M.S., (Veterinary Biomedical Science), Ph.D., and combined D.V.M./M.S., or D.V.M./Ph.D. degrees. Degree candidates may specialize in research areas represented by the expertise of the members of the Graduate Group. Requirements for the Ph.D. degree include full-time study equivalent to at least 90 semester hours [78 for individuals with a D.V.M. degree] including at least 30 hours of research credit for the dissertation and generally 30-39 hours of formal course work, a preliminary examination, research, a written dissertation, and a satisfactory defense of the dissertation at the final oralexamination. The Ph.D. degree normally requires at least three years of full-time study. Students who hold a master’s degree may request transfer of up to 30 hours of that degree toward a Ph.D. Demonstration of proficiency in foreign languages is not required. The University operates on a semester basis plus an eight-week summer session.
See Veterinary Medicine in this catalog for additional information.
Program requirements
Minimum entrance requirements, include a B average in the junior and senior undergraduate years for applicants not holding a D.V.M./V.M.D. degree. All applicants are required to take General GRE and submit the scores with the application. International students must demonstrate proficiency in English by earning a satisfactory score on the TOEFL and must provide health and financial certificates. Candidates for admission to the Graduate School must be approved by the Pathobiology Graduate Program. Most incoming students have a degree in veterinary medicine, but some have degrees in animal science, microbiology, biology, biochemistry/pharmacology, genetics, or food science. The most important considerations for applicants are documented academic achievement and an interest in continued study and research in Pathobiology. Sufficient training in biology and a strong background in biochemistry are important requirements. Application for admission to the program in a fall semester should be made in the preceding late fall or early winter.
Financial support
Assistantships and temporary assistant instructor positions are available for qualified candidates on a limited, competitive basis. Prospective students are encouraged to apply for federally sponsored fellowships and traineeships from agencies such as the USDA, NASA, NDEA, NIH, and NSF. Application information is available from the Dean of the Graduate School, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.
Research facility
Housed in a spacious modern building complex with up-to-date equipment to provide excellent opportunities for graduate research. Major equipment include cell counters, an electron microscope, environmental chambers, cryostats, densitometers, fluorometers, chromatography equipment, high-vacuum evaporators, neurophysiological recording devices, recording spectrophotometers, spectrometers (atomic absorption, respiratory mass, scintillation), biohazard safety hoods, stereotaxic instruments, ultracentrifuges, ultramicrotomes, ultrasonic membrane destructors, flow cytometer and high-performance liquid chromatography units. Surgery and housing facilities for large and small animals, intensive library holdings and facilities, and easy access to the University’s computer center are also available. Extensive research potential in food animals is enhanced by an interstate cooperative program with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Doctor of Philosophy