Mar 05, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


138 Cardwell Hall
Fax: 785-32-0546

Department Head

Andrew Bennett

Director of graduate studies

Sarah Reznikoff

Graduate Faculty

*Bacim Alali, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
*Nathan Albin, Ph.D., University of Utah
*David R. Auckly, Ph.D., University of Michigan
*Andrew G. Bennett, Ph.D., Princeton University
*Ivan Blank, Ph.D., New York University
*Robert. B. Burckel, Ph.D., Yale University; Emeritus
*Ricardo Castano-Bernard, Ph.D., University of Warwick, United Kingdom
*Andrew Chermak, Ph.D., Rutgers University
*Todd E. Cochrane, Ph.D., University of Michigan
*Louis Crane, Ph.D., University of Chicago
*Roman Fedorov, Ph.D., University of Chicago
*Tanya (Tatiana) Firsova, Ph.D., University of Toronto
*Hrant Hakobyan, Ph.D., SUNY at Stonybrook, New York
*Gerald Hoehn, Ph.D., University of Bonn, Germany
*Gabriel Kerr, Ph.D., University of Chicago
*Marianne Korten, Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires
*Zongzhu Lin, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
*John Maginnis, Ph.D., Stanford University
*Diego Maldonado, Ph.D., University of Kansas
*Thomas B. Muenzenberger, Ph.D., University of Wyoming
*Virginia Naibo, Ph.D., Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
*Gabriel Nagy, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Rekha Natarajan, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Louis Pigno, Ph.D., State University of New York, Stony Brook
*Christopher Pinner, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
*Pietro Poggi-Corradini, Ph.D., University of Washington
*Alexander G. Ramm, D. Sci., Mathematics Institute Academy of Science, Minsk
*Sarah Reznikoff, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
*Natalia Rojkovskaia, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
*Yan Soibelman, Ph.D., Rostov University
*Craig Spencer, Ph.D., University of Michigan
*Victor Turchin, Ph.D., University of Paris VII
*Dan Volok, Ph.D., The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
*David Yetter, Ph.D., University of Pennsyslvania
*Anna Zemlyanova, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
*Ilia Zharkov, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.


The Department of Mathematics offers programs of study leading to the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. There are over 30 graduate students in the master’s and Ph.D. programs; in addition to American students, there is also a large number of Asian, European, Middle Eastern and African students, thus lending a truly international flavor to the academic environment in the Department. Financial assistance is available on a competitive basis to well-qualified applicants in the form of graduate teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships; in addition, there are graduate student fellowships and GTA stipend supplements available through the Graduate School on a competitive basis.

Research areas and facilities

The Mathematics Department has internationally recognized programs in harmonic analysis, operator theory, quantum topology, representation theory, group theory, and applied mathematics. The applied mathematics group is active in wave propagation and scattering, reaction-diffusion equations, free boundary problems, and inverse and ill-posed problems. There are also robust research groups in geometric topology, non-commutative geometry, symplectic geometry, analytic number theory, and probabilistic harmonic analysis.

Kansas State University provides excellent facilities for mathematical research. The university libraries have extensive holdings in the mathematical sciences and a separate Math/Physics branch library is housed in the same building as the Mathematics Department. Even obscure publications are available at the Linda Hall Science Library in Kansas City through interlibrary loan. KSU provides a modern computer environment with access to major mathematical software packages (Mathematica, Matlab, etc.) and full internet access. The Mathematics Department also has its own state-of-the-art network of workstations and PC’s used for both teaching and research.


Applicants to both the masters’ and doctoral programs should have completed work in mathematics at least equivalent to that required for a bachelor’s degree in mathematics at Kansas State University.While there are no formal application deadlines, international applicants residing outside the U.S. or Canada should have their application materials in by February 1 to be guaranteed consideration for the fall semester of the same year.




Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Dual Degree

Graduate Certificate



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