Mar 05, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Food Science

216 Call Hall
Fax:  785-532-5861

The Food Science interdepartmental graduate program is part of the Food Science Institute and includes graduate faculty housed in five colleges and eleven departments.

Institute Director:

Curtis Kastner

Director of graduate studies:

J. Scott Smith

Graduate faculty:

Jason Ackleson, PhD, The London School of Economics
*Koushik Adhikari, Ph.D., University of Missouri
*Sajid Alavi, Ph.D., Cornell University
Fadi M. Aramouni, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Marcus Ashlock, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
*R. Scott Beyer, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Kristina Boone, Ph.D., Ohio State University
*Elizabeth Ernst Boyle, Ph.D., Colorado State University
*Delores H. Chambers, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Edgar Chambers, IV, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Kay Cooksey, Ph.D., University of Illinois
*Michael E. Dikeman, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Hulya Dogan, PhD, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
*James S. Drouillard, Ph.D., University of Nebraska
*Larry E. Erickson, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Jon M. Faubion, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*John (Sean) Fox, PhD, Iowa State University
*Daniel Y. C. Fung, Ph.D., Iowa State University
*Kelly J. K. Getty, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Joye C. Gordon, Ph.D., Purdue University
Terry A. Houser, Ph.D, Iowa State University
*Melvin C. Hunt, Ph.D., University of Missouri
*Shawn Hutchinson, PhD, Kansas State University
*Curtis L. Kastner, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
*Justin Kastner, Ph.D., University of Guelph, Canada
Junehee Kwon, Ph.D., Iowa State University
Ron Madl, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Dirk Maier, Ph.D., Ph.D., Michigan State University
*James Marsden, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
*Denis M. Medeiros, Ph.D., Clemson University
Abbey Nutsch, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Londa Nwadike, Ph.D., University of Iowa
*Richard D. Oberst, Ph.D., University of California-Davis
*Hikaru H. Peterson,Ph.D., Cornell University
*Randall K. Phebus, Ph.D., University of Tennessee
*Doug Powell, Ph.D., University of Guelph, Canada
Om Prakash, Ph.D., Central Drug Research Institute, India
Gerald R. Reeck, Ph.D., University of Washington
Joe Regenstein, Ph.D., Brandeis University
*Valentina Remig, Ph.D., Ohio State University
*Dave Renter, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Deanna D. Retzlaff, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Kevin Roberts, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Karen Schmidt, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
*Carol Shanklin, Ph.D., University of Tennessee
*Yong-Cheng Shi, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*J. Scott Smith, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
*X. Susan Sun, Ph.D., University of Illinois
*Dolores J. Takemoto, Ph.D., University of Southern California
*John A. Unruh, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Praveen Vadlani, Ph.D., IIT Delhi, India
*Donghai Wang, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
*Weiqun (George) Wang, Ph.D., Nanjing Agriculture University
*Ludek Zurek, Ph.D., University of Alberta

*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.

Graduate faculty associate:

Marlena B. Jones, M.S., University of Hawaii

Inter-institutional faculty:

Suzanne Hendrich, Iowa State University
Robert Hutkins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Mark Love, Iowa State University
Ruth MacDonald, Iowa State University
Azlin Mustapha, University of Missouri-Columbia
Byron Stecher, Iowa State University

About the Program

The food science graduate program involves the interrelationships among 47 professionals from 11 departments. Faculty from five colleges (agriculture, arts and sciences, engineering, human ecology and veterinary medicine) have participated in the interdisciplinary food science master’s and doctoral programs since 1965. Graduate faculty are located in the Departments of Agricultural Economics, Agronomy; Animal Sciences and Industry; Biochemistry; Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Communications, Entomology, Veterinary Clinical Sciences; Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology; Grain Science and Industry; Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Management and Dietetics; Human Nutrition; and Journalism and Mass Communications.

Graduate students conduct their research in one of the participating departments. The food science faculty are involved in research on the chemical, microbiological, sensory, and nutritional aspects, functional characteristics, and processing of foods. Faculty with expertise in chemical analysis, instrumental analysis, sensory analysis, systems analysis, biochemistry, dietetics, statistics, microbiology, thermodynamics, rheology, biochemical engineering, and food engineering participate in the food science program.

Research facilities related to animal products include complete dairy and red-meat processing facilities, well-equipped research laboratories for red meat, poultry and dairy research, food chemistry, and food microbiology research laboratories. Research facilities for cereals include a complete pilot plant for milling grain into flour, complete baking research facilities, laboratory for extrusion research, wellequipped laboratories for cereal chemistry, a specialized cereal science library, and other supporting facilities. Flavor and sensory evaluation laboratories and instrumentation for physical, histological, and biochemical analysis of food products are also available. Laboratory facilities for food engineering research include ultrafiltration cells, instrumental fermentors, gas and liquid chromatography, an elemental analyzer, and an environmental chamber with temperature and humidity control. Facilities and instrumentation for food safety studies are available.

Graduate study in food science provides training for a number of varied academic and technical careers. Food processing is a leading industry in the United States so the need for food scientists is growing.


Application should be submitted by January 15 for Fall admission and July 15 for Spring admission, and preferably earlier to ensure availability of a major professor. Admission is highly competitive and not all applicants are taken. All prospective students must complete a graduate school application, application fee and submit a statement of objectives, official transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and GRE scores. Seniors and master’s students may submit a current transcript and, if admitted, will receive provisional acceptance pending submission of an official transcript showing completion of a bachelor’s degree, or M. S. degree for doctoral applicants. It is imperative that the statement of objectives contain a specific area of study within food science, i.e., food chemistry, food microbiology, cereals, red meat, or sensory analysis, so that the application may be directed to the appropriate faculty. Terms such as food processing and food technology are too general and may result in rejection because of lack of specificity.

Foreign students must submit aTOEFL score of at least 577 (paper), 233 (computer-based), 90 (IBT), 7.0 (IELTS) or have received a degree in the last two years from a United States college or university. In addition, an affidavit of financial form must be completed and signed by a sponsor and a financial institution to show evidence of support for the entire program of study.

All applications will be reviewed by three appropriate members of the food science graduate admission committee. A faculty member must be willing to act as a major advisor prior to submission of credentials to the graduate school.

Research and teaching assistantships administered by the individual departments are available on a limited basis. Those receiving assistantships pay in-state fees. Members of the food science program obtain funds from the Agricultural and Engineering Experiment Stations and outside research funds that help sponsor some graduate research assistants. Currently, research stipends are competitive but may vary by department.

General requirements for entering graduate study in food science are: (1) mathematics, including college algebra, calculus, and statistics; (2) biochemistry and organic chemistry; (3) a course in physics; (4) an introductory course in microbiology; and (5) a course in botany, zoology, or biology. The student’s supervisory committee will resolve course deficiencies. Certain programs within Food Science may require additional courses.

When the student’s committee believes it is necessary, the student will be required to take additional undergraduate courses to prepare more completely for the individual program.

Candidates for degrees are expected to select courses that provide adequate coverage in several food areas, with primary emphasis in one or more areas.

The M.S./Ph.D. program of study shall be expected to include courses in biochemistry, statistics, food microbiology, food chemistry, and food processing/food engineering. No more than 6 credit hours at the 500 level will be accepted. One credit of food science seminar for the M.S. degree and 2 credits of food science seminar for the Ph.D. degree shall be included. There is no foreign language requirement.

Course requirements will be evaluated by the student’s supervisory committee. The chairman of the food science graduate program must approve members of the student’s advisory committee and the program of study.




Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Graduate Certificate


Food Science