Mar 05, 2025  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Biological and Agricultural Engineering

129 Seaton Hall
Fax: 785-532-5825

Department Head:

Joseph P. Harner

Director of graduate studies:

Naiqian Zhang

Graduate faculty:

*Jonathan Aguilar, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Paul R. Armstrong, (Adjunct) Ph.D., Michigan State University
Philip L. Barnes, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Mark E. Casada, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
*Gary A. Clark, Ph.D., Texas A & M University
*Yu Deng, Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
*Kyle R. Douglas-Mankin, Ph.D., The Ohio State University
*Daniel Flippo, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
*Lawrence J. Hagen, (Adjunct) Ph.D., Kansas State University
Joseph P. Harner III, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
*Mei He, Ph.D., University of Alberta
*Stacy Lewis Hutchinson, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Isaya Kisekka, Ph.D., University of Florida
*Norman Klocke, Ph.D., Colorado State University
Freddie R. Lamm, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Zifei Liu, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
*Ronaldo G. Maghirang, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
*Trisha Moore, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
James P. Murphy, M.S., Kansas State University
*Thomas C. Pearson, (Adjunct) Ph.D., University of California at Davis
Randy R. Price, Ph.D., University of Illinois
Danny H. Rogers, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
*Ajay Sharda, Ph.D., Auburn University
*Aleksey Y. Sheshukov, Ph.D., Kazan State University, Russia
John W. Slocombe, Ph.D., Iowa State University
*James M. Steichen, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Larry E. Wagner, (Adjunct) Ph.D, Kansas State University
*Donghai Wang, Ph.D., Texas A & M University
*Lisa Wilken, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
*Naiqian Zhang, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.

Program description

The Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering offers courses of study leading to the Master of Science in biological and agricultural engineering, and the Doctor of Philosophy in engineering.

The department consists of 13 graduate faculty members, about 25 graduate students, and five adjunct graduate faculty members. Master of Science students may specialize in (1) environmental engineering, (2) food and feed process engineering, (3) information and electrical technology, (4) machinery systems, (5) natural resource engineering, and (6) structure and environment. Minimum degree requirements are 30 semester hours of graduate credit, including a Master’s thesis of 6 semester hours based upon original research or a master’s report of 2 semester hours of research or problem work. A generalized Doctoral program is offered by the College of Engineering through each department. The traditional areas of specialization are integrated into the following five interdisciplinary areas: (1) energy utilization, (2) informational systems, (3) materials engineering, (4) systems engineering, and (5) bio-environmental engineering. Award of a doctorate requires successful completion of the equivalent of at least three full years of full-time study beyond the baccalaureate as well as completion of a major research study reported in a doctoral dissertation.

For information about the Ph.D. program, refer to the Engineering section of this catalog.

Research facilities

The department is located in Seaton Hall. The department possesses 15 well-equipped instructional and research laboratories, including the computer laboratory, and laboratories for instrument and control, physical properties, image processing, thermal food processing, grain wet processing, air quality and control, water quality and control, hydrology, engine testing, machinery systems, and biomass energy systems. Field studies may be carried out at experiment fields near Topeka and St. John and at Research Extension Centers near Garden City and Colby. Opportunities also exist for research in the U.S. Grain Marketing and Production Research Center and the Wind Erosion Research Unit, USDA-ARS, both located in Manhattan.

Financial support

Students are admitted into the Biological and Agricultural Engineering graduate program either with an assistantship that pays a stipend from University funds or with their own source of financial support. A limited number of assistantships providing teaching and research experiences are available. Graduate assistant appointments are usually at four-tenths time. Fees are assessed at the same rate as university employees for graduate teaching assistants and graduate research assistants.



Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Dual Degree

Graduate Certificate


Biological and Agricultural Engineering