2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Anatomy and Physiology
228 Coles Hall
Fax: 785-532-4557
Department Head:
Michael Kenney
Director of graduate studies:
Mark Weiss
Graduate Faculty:
Antje Anji, Ph.D., University of Texas
*Frank Blecha, Ph.D., Washington State University
*Walter Cash, Emeritus, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Robert DeLong, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Jon D. Dunn, Emeritus, Ph.D., University of Kansas
*Howard Erickson, Emeritus, DVM, Kansas State University; Ph.D., Iowa State University
Roger Fedde, Ph.D., Emeritus, University of Minnesota
*Peying Fong, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco
*Ronette Gehring, BVSc., MMedVet, University of Pretoria
*Michael J. Kenney, Ph.D., University of Iowa
*Stanley Butch KuKanich, DVM, Virginia Tech; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
*Meena Kumari, Ph.D., Delhi University
James Lillich, DVM, Colorado State University; MS, Ohio State University
*Daniel C. Marcus, D.Sc., Washington University
*Nancy Monteiro-Riviere, Ph.D., Purdue University
*Timothy Musch, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fernando Pierucci-Alves, DVM, Federal University of Uberlandia
*David Poole, Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles
Judy Provo-Klimek, DVM, MS, Purdue University
*Jim Riviere, DVM, Ph.D., Purdue University
Yongming Sang, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Bruce D. Schultz, Ph.D., Cornell University
*Jishu Shi, DVM, Beijing Agricultural University, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Kristopher Silver, Ph.D., Cornell University
*Masaaki Tamura, DVM, Ph.D., Azabu Veterinary College
*Deryl Troyer, DVM, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Dan Upson, DVM, Ph.D., Emeritus, Kansas State University
*A. Philine Wangemann, Ph.D., Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany
*Mark Weiss, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania-Philadelphia
Jane A. Westfall, Emeritus, Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley
Ancillary Faculty
*Tom Barstow, Ph.D., University of California-Davis
*Sherry D. Fleming, Ph.D., University of Colorado
*Craig Harms, Ph.D., Indiana University
Bonnie Rush, DVM, MS, The Ohio State University
*Tom Schermerhorn, VMD, University of Pennsylvania
*Jonathan Tomich, Ph.D., Guelph-Waterloo (Canada) Center for Graduate Work
*Ruth Welti, Ph.D., Washington University
Brett Wong, Ph.D., University of Oregon
*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.
Program of study
The Department of Anatomy and Physiology offers opportunities for graduate studies leading to both M. S. (Veterinary Biomedical Science) and Ph.D. degrees. Cell and systemic physiology, immunophysiology, neuroscience, and pharmacology are the major themes of research of the department. Specific areas of interest include comparative exercise physiology, food animal immunophysiology, molecular biology of membranes, molecular genetics and gene mapping and expression, neural control of cardiovascular function, ion channel structure and function, and transport processes and pathophysiology of microcirculation. Faculty from other departments comprise a strong ancillary support group. Career options available with an advanced degree in anatomy or physiology include academic positions in various animal and human health science-related institutions such as Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as positions in industry and agribusiness.
To be admitted with full standing, the applicant must have an average of B or better in the junior and senior years, a bachelor’s or veterinary medical degree from an approved institution, and adequate undergraduate preparation in the proposed field.
For the Ph.D. degree, 90 semester hours of graduate study beyond the bachelor’s degree are required, including at least 30 hours of research. For DVM candidates, if 12 hours of dual credit has not been applied to the master of science degree, it may be applied toward the Ph.D.
Application procedure
See Veterinary Medicine in this catalog for additional information. Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Teaching and research assistantships are awarded on the basis of merit and availability, using many of the same criteria used for admission decisions. Interested students are encouraged to peruse the departmental website http://www.vet.ksu.edu/depts/ap. All students offered admission are considered for financial support.
Additional Programs of Interest
Stem Cell Biotechnology Graduate Certificate
The overarching purpose of the certificate program is to add value to other degrees in the biological and life sciences, specifically including animal sciences, veterinary medicine, biology and biochemistry. For additional information, please see the Stem Cell Biotechnology Graduate Certificate catalog page.
Veterinary Biomedical Science
The Masters of Veterinary Biomedical Science Degree is a College of Veterinary Medicine -based program leading to an MS degree. Graduate study may be inter-disciplinary or focused in one of the three participating disciplines: Anatomy & Physiology; Clinical Sciences; Pathobiology. Each student’s program will be designed by his/her supervisory committee to support the student’s thesis project, educational and career goals. For additional information, please see the Veterinary Biomedical Science catalog page.
Doctor of Philosophy
Anatomy and Physiology