Feb 15, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degrees & Certificates Offered

List of Degrees

The letter in parentheses refers to the recommended mathematics background for each degree. See the Math Requirements for Degrees section immediately following.

College of Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Concurrent Bachelor of Science/Master of Science



College of Architecture, Planning and Design

College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, and Bachelor of Science

Interdisciplinary studies

Concurrent Bachelor of Science/Master of Science



  • (E) Pre-chiropractic medicine
  • (E) Pre-dentistry
  • (E) Pre-health information management
  • (E) Pre-Law  
  • (E) Premedicine
  • (E) Pre-nursing
  • (E) Pre-occupational therapy
  • (E) Pre-optometry
  • (E) Pre-pharmacy
  • (E) Pre-physical therapy
  • (E) Pre-physician assistant
  • (E) Pre-respiratory care
  • (E) Pre-veterinary medicine

College of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


College of Education

Bachelor of Science in Education


Teacher Licensure Programs

SecondaryTeaching Fields

  • (E) Biological Science
  • (E) Chemistry
  • (E) Earth and Space Science
  • (A) English as a Second Language (Grades 6-12)
  • (A) English
  • (A) Journalism
  • (F) Mathematics
  • (E) Physics

College of Engineering

Concurrent Bachelor of Science/Master of Science


College of Human Ecology

Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles

Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training

Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology

Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Concurrent BS and MS


College of Technology and Aviation

Associate of Science

Associate of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

Bachelor of Science in Technology Management

Bachelor of Science


College of Veterinary Medicine

  • Veterinary Medicine D.V.M.
  • (See Colleges of Agriculture and Arts and Sciences for B.S. degrees in connection with College of Veterinary Medicine.)


Suggested College Preparation in Math

The degrees shown earlier in this section are conferred on completion of the prescribed curricula. The letter that precedes each curriculum indicates the suggested high school math courses that students should have completed.

  • (A) One unit of algebra, or one unit of geometry, or a unit involving the combination of these, or approved substitute
  • (B) One unit of algebra
  • (C) Two units of algebra
  • (D) One unit of algebra and one unit of geometry
  • (E) One and one-half units of algebra and one unit of geometry
  • (F) Two units of algebra, one unit of geometry, and one-half unit of trigonometry


Common Degree Requirements

The common requirements for all curricula leading to an undergraduate degree are:

  • Expository Writing, 6 credits
  • Public Speaking, 2 credits


Degree Requirements

To graduate, a student must complete a prescribed curriculum. Under special conditions substitutions are allowed as the interests of the student warrant. The total credit requirement for bachelor’s degrees ranges from 120 to 167 hours, according to the curriculum taken. A minimum of 45 hours must be at a course level of 300 or above.

There are two grade point averages a student must meet to be awarded a degree: (1) at least a 2.0 on K-State resident graded courses that are applied to the degree, and (2) at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA for all resident graded courses taken at K-State. Professional curricula may impose additional degree requirements.

Students must file an application for graduation clearance in the appropriate dean’s office during the first four weeks of the semester (first two weeks for summer semester) in which the degree is to be completed.

It is the student’s responsibility to be certain that transcripts from all transfer institutions are on file in the Registrar’s Office before the end of the semester the degree requirements will be completed.

Up to half of the credits required for a normal four-year degree may be completed at an accredited two-year college.

Each student must complete at least 30 resident credits to be considered for a degree. Further, the student must complete 20 of the last 30 hours of resident credit at K-State. Courses in the student’s major field shall be taken in residence unless an exception is granted by the major department on petition of the student. That department shall have jurisdiction over the acceptance of major courses by transfer for fulfillment of the major requirement.

Exceptions to the residence requirement of the final year may be made by the dean of the college and the department head in the student’s major field, if the student has completed a total of three years of work acceptable to K-State. The student must submit satisfactory plans and reasons for completing the degree requirements at another institution, such as a dental, medical, law, or medical technology school, before earning a degree here.

Resident work includes all regularly scheduled course or laboratory instruction given by the regular university faculty.

At least five-sixths of the credit hours taken at K-State and applied toward a degree must be graded hours. Required courses of an internship or practicum nature or credit by examination, offered on a Credit/No Credit basis only, are to be considered as graded hours in implementing the five-sixths policy.

Candidates for spring graduation should attend commencement. Fall graduates are asked to participate in the commencement exercises in December or the following spring. Prospective summer graduates may participate in the exercises before or after graduation.

Students generally complete degree requirements in the normal four or five academic years allotted for that purpose. However, it could take additional time because of a significant change of educational objective. A student may interrupt studies for one or more semesters. Normally, the student will be expected to complete the degree program in not more than two years beyond the scheduled time. The individual whose education has been interrupted may have to meet new degree requirements if a change has occurred.

Dual degrees

Students may elect to earn two degrees at the same time. The requirements for both must be satisfied. Students should confer with each academic dean as early as possible to determine appropriate programs of study.

Students who are eligible to graduate with two degrees must file an application for graduation for each degree in the academic dean’s offices during the first four weeks of the semester they plan to complete degree requirements. Summer graduates must file their applications for graduation during the first two weeks of the summer semester.


Minors, Secondary Majors, and Certificates


Undergraduate minors provide students an opportunity to emphasize study in an area outside their major curriculum. Courses forming a minor may be used to satisfy the general requirements of a major curriculum, including free electives. Students are not required to complete a minor to graduate. A Minor can only be awarded to a student upon or after being awarded a baccalaureate degree.

Students who declare and complete all requirements for a minor concurrent with a baccalaureate degree earned at Kansas State University will receive official recognition on their academic records when the degree is posted. Undergraduate students interested in completing one or more minors should consult their advisor as well as the minor program director(s). Students are encouraged to seek advice and information about potential areas of emphasis early in their academic planning.

Students who wish to complete a minor after a baccalaureate has been awarded to them by Kansas State University or during or after an advanced degree has been awarded to them by Kansas State University must reapply to Admissions as a non-degree undergraduate student to add a minor. Such students should consult with the minor program director for the minor of interest prior to reapplying

Individuals with baccalaureate or advanced degrees awarded only from accredited colleges or universities other than Kansas State University should consult the minor progam director for the minor of interest about the availability of that particular minor to non-K-State graduates. If the minor is available to a non-K-State graduate, the individual must apply as a non-degree undergraduate student.

A minor requires completion of at least 15 designated hours of course work. Faculty in departments offering minors have specified courses that enable students to acquire moderate expertise in their discipline. No more than six hours of transfer courses may be used for a minor. Prerequisites and requisites associated with minors must be followed, and students must earn the minimum GPA set by the minor program.

For more information on specific minors, please consult individual department course listings and the minor program director.

College of Agriculture

College of Architecture, Planning and Design

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

College of Human Ecology

College of Technology and Aviation

School of Leadership Studies

Secondary majors

K-State offers secondary majors in Biological Engineering, Gerontology, International Studies, Latin American Studies, and Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Open to degree-seeking undergraduate students in all colleges, these secondary majors are designed to be taken concurrently with a primary major. Most programs of study will allow students to take both a primary and a secondary major within the normal four-year program, especially because courses applied toward the secondary major may also satisfy requirements for general education or restricted electives.

Program requirements follow a common pattern. Each includes two or more of the following features: an interdisciplinary introductory course (which might also satisfy distribution requirements); a list of electives from which students choose about 18 hours; and an interdisciplinary senior seminar featuring supervised independent study.

Each program has a supervisory committee and a director to whom students may refer for advising.

Certificate programs


University Honors Program

K-State’s University Honors Program provides exceptional students with an understanding of contemporary concepts of common and diverse intellectual traditions, as well as discipline-specific knowledge and abilities. Our community of scholars will possess global awareness and competence in dealing with an increasingly diverse world, having had educational experiences that emphasize scholarship, critical thinking, and intellectual curiosity. Students in the program will possess superior written and oral communication skills and will become active participants in the lively discourse of today’s world.

Admission requirements

The general criteria for admission to the university honors program are as follows:

  1. ACT composite of 28 or greater.
  2. A high school GPA of 3.75 or greater (weighted or unweighted).
  3. Completion of the application together with one letter of support from an individual who can attest to the student’s motivation and ability to perform honors-level work.

Students who have notable extracurricular experience and/or leadership activities and who, for whatever reason, do not quite achieve the GPA and ACT cutoffs are still encouraged to apply. Because of the high quality and number of applicants, meeting the above criteria does not necessarily guarantee admission. All components of the application are used to reach a final decision.

Current students wishing to enter the university honors program should have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 (K-State grades only) and are encouraged to visit with the staff about their specific situation. Students transferring from other institutions who are interested in a possible honors curriculum are also encouraged to consult with the University Honors Program staff.


University Honors Program - Minimum of 15 Credit Hours (minimum of 16 credit hours in the College of Arts and Sciences)

  1. University Level - 7 credit hours required
    1. RETREAT for new students prior to fall semester (optional)
    2. XXX 020 Students enroll in program each semester - 0 credit
      [XXX indicates that students will enroll by college, e.g., DAS 020]
    3. XXX 189 Introduction to University Honors Program - 1 credit
      [XXX indicates students will enroll by college. All 189 sections will have same content and format]
    4. Other Requirements - 6 credits

University honors courses and new courses generated by departments. These courses can be honors sections of required courses or elective seminars (most are 3 credit hours).

Alternative opportunities (e.g., study abroad) to generate university level honor credit hours must be approved by both the Director of the University Honors Program and the college coordinator (or appropriate college representative). Students cannot use a given activity for both university and college level requirements. Under no circumstances will students be allowed to arrange for credit after the experience is completed.

  1. College Level - Minimum of 8 credit hours or equivalent required (9 credit hours or equivalent required in the College of Arts and Sciences)

Individual colleges will generate the courses and experiences that will be required of students in their college. These plans have been approved by the faculty in each college, the Director of the University Honors Program (working with the Honors Advisory Council), and Faculty Senate.

The program must include a capstone Honors Project for each student, an activity that would represent a significant body of work and supervised by a faculty member. Amount of credit hours or their equivalent varies across colleges.

The total credit hours and/or equivalent credit must add to a minimum of 8 hours (9 hours in Arts and Sciences).

In virtually all colleges, alternative opportunities (study abroad, internships, community service, etc.) can be used to fulfill this requirement, whether it is for academic credit or an equivalent. As noted above, these alternative opportunities must be approved by both the appropriate college representative and the University Honors Program Director and must be in place before the activity occurs.

For more information
E-mail: ksuhonors@k-state.edu


General Education: K-State 8

IMPORTANT NOTES: Students who first enroll in Summer 2011 or later must meet the requirements of the K-State 8 General Education Program.

Students who began their programs of study in earlier terms under the University General Education (UGE) program may complete their degrees with UGE requirements or may choose to move to the K-State 8. Students should check with their academic advisors to determine which choice would be better. To switch, students must consult with their academic advisors.

General Education - Readmitted Students: Students who are readmitted in Summer 2011 and later will be designated as meeting the K-State 8 by the Office of Admissions. Deans’ offices can make an exception for the readmitted student who has completed UGE or who would prefer to complete UGE requirements.

Objective of the K-State 8

The K-State 8 General Education Program encourages students to be intellectual explorers. Students and advisors will plan programs of study to promote exposure to a breadth of learning that includes the eight areas below. The emphasis and the amount of study in each area will vary for each student, depending upon his/her choice of major and other interests.

The K-State 8 Areas: 

Aesthetic Experience and Interpretive Understanding Aesthetic Interpretation

Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

Global Issues and Perspectives Global Issues and Perspectives

Historical Perspectives Historical Perspectives

Human Diversity within the U.S. Human Diversity within the U.S.

Natural and Physical Sciences Natural and Physical Sciences

Social Sciences Social Sciences

The K-State 8 icons shown above are also used in Kansas State University’s student information system (iSIS).

Overview of K-State 8 requirements

The intent of The K-State 8 is for students to explore the perspectives of disciplines that may be quite different from those of their own majors. For that reason, a minimum of four different course prefixes (e.g., AGEC, MATH, FSHS) must be represented to fulfill K-State 8 requirements.

Each student must successfully complete credit-bearing courses to cover all of the K-State 8 areas. Some of the K-State 8 areas may be covered in the student’s major.

Departments have decided which courses to designate for one or two K-State 8 areas. K-State 8 designations are noted both in the Undergraduate Catalog and in iSIS.

When a course is tagged for two K-State 8 areas, the student may count that course toward both areas. However, students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a variety of courses and experiences that offers them a genuine breadth of perspective.

For more information

K-State 8 policy for changing majors

Changing majors will not affect students’ general education requirements in the K-State 8.

K-State 8 policy for double majors and dual degrees

A student must meet K-State 8 requirements for only one degree/major.

Transfer students

Transfer students are required to cover all eight (8) of the K-State 8 areas and should check with their academic advisors to determine how best to apply transfer credits to the K-State 8.


General Education: UGE

IMPORTANT NOTES:  This section does not apply to students who first enroll in Summer 2011 or later. Those students must meet the requirements of The K-State 8 General Education Program.

Students who began their programs of study in earlier terms under the University General Education (UGE) program may complete their degrees with UGE requirements or may choose to move to The K-State 8. Students should check with their academic advisors to determine which choice would be better.  To switch, students must consult with their academic advisors.

General Education - Readmitted Students: Students who are readmitted in Summer 2011 and later will be designated as meeting the K-State 8 by the Office of Admissions. Deans’ offices can make an exception for the readmitted student who has completed UGE or who would prefer to complete UGE requirements.

The following information about UGE remains in the Undergraduate Catalog for the benefit of students who choose to continue meeting UGE requirements.

Objective of University General Education

The program for University General Education (UGE) strives to add breadth to the educational experience. It helps students widen their perspectives, explore the relationships between various subjects, and develop critical and analytical thinking skills.

UGE courses are not designed to be taken in a single block at the beginning or ending of a student’s college career. They should be continuous and spread across the entire college career.

Any student whose acquired credit at Kansas State University or any other institution began in fall 1997 or later will be obligated to meet UGE requirements. Transfer students need to contact their advisors and see the Transfer Admission Requirements.

Overview of UGE requirements

Students must complete at least 18 hours of approved UGE courses, one-third of which must be at the 300-level or above.

The courses accepted for UGE credit will vary according to college and major. All students should consult with their advisors to determine which UGE courses meet the requirements of their degree programs.

Only courses completed at Kansas State University and approved for university general education can be used to meet these requirements.

For more information

Approved UGE courses

The Registrar’s UGE Course List is maintained by the Registrar’s Office and provides a complete historical listing. This list will change as courses are approved, deleted, and added.

Policy for credit by examination Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate Programs (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support (DANTES) credits may be considered “transfer credits” for purposes of the UGE policy for students transferring credit to K-State.

UGE Policy for credit by examination

Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate Programs (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support (DANTES) credits may be considered “transfer credits” for purposes of the UGE policy for students transferring credit to K-State.

UGE Policy for curriculum changes

Students changing curricula within Kansas State University must satisfy the UGE requirements for the program in which they will graduate. Students entering a bachelor’s degree program after completing an associate’s degree at Kansas State University are not considered to be transfer students, as far as the UGE requirements are concerned; these students must meet the UGE requirements for the curriculum they are entering.

UGE policy for double majors and dual degrees

A student must meet the UGE requirements for his/her primary degree/major. UGE requirements for additional degrees or majors are waived.

UGE policy for credit for study abroad

Students who participate in study abroad programs approved by Kansas State University will meet UGE requirements either upon successful completion of K-State study abroad course work or transfer of study abroad course credit accepted by K-State. This policy is effective as of the 2002 spring term.

Number of study
abroad credit hours
University general
education requirements met
3–6 3 UGE credits at 300 level
7 and above 6 UGE credits at 300 level