Mar 06, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Technology and Aviation

Verna M. Fitzsimmons, CEO and Dean
R. Kurt Barnhart, Associate Dean of Research and Engagement
Dixie Schierlman, Associate Dean of Student Life
Alysia Starkey, Assistant Dean for Continuous Improvement

K-State Salina
2310 Centennial Road
Salina, KS 67401–8196
Fax: 785-826-2627

Click on any of the following links for information:


Accreditation and Certification

The Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET accredits the bachelor’s degree programs in electronic and computer engineering technology and mechanical engineering technology. Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, 410-347-7700, Website.

The aircraft maintenance program is certified as an “Aviation Maintenance Technician School No. BZ9T052R” by the Federal Aviation Administration. The professional pilot program is certified as an approved “Pilot School Number KKCS017” by the Federal Aviation Administration. The baccalaureate degree program in professional pilot is accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International, 3410 Skyway Drive, Auburn, AL 36830, 334-844-2431.

Kansas State University is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602, 1-800-621-7440. Credit earned at K-State is transferable to other institutions.

Prerequisite courses

Before attempting a course originating in the College of Technology and Aviation, a grade of C or better must be earned in the prerequisite courses.


Students at K-State Salina are eligible for any of the minors offered by Kansas State University. Students completing all requirements for a minor will receive official recognition on their academic records.

The college offers all courses required in the Business Minor , which is available to all students seeking or having earned a non-business Kansas State bachelor or graduate degree.

The Aviation Department offers a minor in aviation safety , which is available to students seeking or having earned a Kansas State bachelor or graduate degree. The aviation safety minor includes coursework that emphasizes procedures and practices essential to the safety culture expected in the aviation industry.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

Students at K-State Salina may participate in Air Force ROTC or Army ROTC to become officers in the U.S. Air Force or U.S. Army.

Air Force ROTC program

Army ROTC program


Student Services

Academic Advising

Kansas State University is committed to providing effective advising services to students as an essential component of their educational experience. Academic Advisors assist students with academic planning, course sequencing, review of curriculum requirements, academic policies/procedures, and major exploration.

Each student at K-State Salina is assigned an academic advisor. Students are responsible for initiating advising contact and preparing for advising sessions. Advisors can help connect students with campus resources in support of their academic and career goals.

Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education offers workshops, seminars, and short-term and full-term courses in the fields of technology. Special courses can be designed to meet the needs of individuals, groups, and organizations. These services can be provided on campus, in-plant, or in communities where technical services are needed but not readily available. Continuing education units may be granted in appropriate cases.

K-State Salina Library

The library, located in the Technology Center, meets standards set for college libraries by the American Library Association and Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET. The library contains more than 20,000 volumes and provides access to nearly 90 online databases, as well as a collection of up-to-date technical information and reference materials (paper and electronic) covering technological subjects. The library also has computer workstations containing all software found in the college’s computer labs.

Office of Student Life

The office of Student Life promotes the educational experience by enhancing the opportunities, safety, and growth of the campus community. Student Life provides and supports campus services, programs, and activities in an effort to strengthen the quality of life within a supportive atmosphere. Student Life also encourages and motivates lifelong healthy choices through the college experience. Student Life encompasses the following areas: Residence Life, Recreational Services, Counseling Services, Student Governing Association, Programming Board, and student clubs/organizations.

Student Support Services

K-State Salina also has a Student Support Services program located in the Welcome Center. Student Support Services is a part of TRiO, a federally funded program to help fulfill the potential of students regardless of gender, race, income level, marital status, or disabilities. SSS provides personal, academic, and professional assistance to eligible participants. SSS services include: counseling/mentoring, tutoring, advocacy, referral services, financial literacy and study skills workshops, and cultural enrichment activities. Student Support Services also has two computer lab locations on campus and assists in the facilitation of the K-State Salina Writing Center.

Writing Center

The K-State Salina Writing Center provides one-on-one tutoring services for students across disciplines, free of charge.  Trained peer tutors are available to consult over writing assignments, proposals, and professional resumes. Tutors can discuss all stages of the writing process from topic development to final editing. The Writing Center’s primary objective is to help students develop their college-level writing abilities. Students are encouraged to sign up for appointments in advance to guarantee that a tutor will be available at their convenience. For additional information, visit the web site or stop by Technology Center 102.


K-State 8 General Education Program

IMPORTANT NOTES: Students who first enroll in Summer 2011 or later must meet the requirements of the K-State 8 General Education Program.

Students who began their programs of study in earlier terms under the University General Education (UGE) program may complete their degrees with UGE requirements or may choose to move to the K-State 8. Students should check with their academic advisors to determine which choice would be better. To switch, students must consult with their academic advisors.

Students who are readmitted in Summer 2011 and later will be designated as meeting the K-State 8 by the Office of Admissions. Deans’ offices can make an exception for the readmitted student who has completed UGE or who would prefer to complete UGE requirements.


Objective of the K-State 8

The K-State 8 General Education Program encourages students to be intellectual explorers. Students and advisors will plan programs of study to promote exposure to a breadth of learning that includes the eight areas below. The emphasis and the amount of study in each area will vary for each student, depending upon his/her choice of major and other interests.

The K-State 8 Areas: 

Aesthetic Experience and Interpretive Understanding Aesthetic Interpretation

Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

Global Issues and Perspectives Global Issues and Perspectives

Historical Perspectives Historical Perspectives

Human Diversity within the U.S. Human Diversity within the U.S.

Natural and Physical Sciences Natural and Physical Sciences

Social Sciences Social Sciences

The K-State 8 icons shown above are also used in Kansas State University’s student information system (iSIS).

Overview of K-State 8 requirements

The intent of The K-State 8 is for students to explore the perspectives of disciplines that may be quite different from those of their own majors. For that reason, a minimum of four different course prefixes (e.g., AGEC, MATH, FSHS) must be represented to fulfill K-State 8 requirements.

Each student must successfully complete credit-bearing courses to cover all of the K-State 8 areas. Some of the K-State 8 areas may be covered in the student’s major.

Departments have decided which courses to designate for one or two K-State 8 areas. K-State 8 designations are noted both in the Undergraduate Catalog and in iSIS.

When a course is tagged for two K-State 8 areas, the student may count that course toward both areas. However, students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a variety of courses and experiences that offers them a genuine breadth of perspective.

For more information

K-State 8 policy for changing majors

Changing majors will not affect students’ general education requirements in the K-State 8.

K-State 8 policy for double majors and dual degrees

A student must meet K-State 8 requirements for only one degree/major.

K-State 8 policy for associate degree programs

A sound general education foundation is required of every K-State student, regardless of the major or the level of degree the student is seeking.  Students in K-State associate degree programs are required to meet a subset of the K-State 8 requirements that apply to bachelor’s degree programs. Specifically,

  • Each associate degree student’s plan of study will include courses that collectively are tagged with at least four of the K-State 8 areas.
  • The four K-State 8 areas may be chosen at the discretion of the student, in consultation with the student’s advisor.  Students are encouraged to enroll in a sufficient variety of courses to offer them a genuine breadth of experience.
  • At least two different course prefixes (MATH, PPIL, etc.) must be represented in the fulfillment of the K-State 8 requirements.
  • Students transferring into a K-State associate degree program from another institution are required to adhere to the rules stated above.

Transfer students

Transfer students are required to cover all eight (8) of the K-State 8 areas and should check with their academic advisors to determine how best to apply transfer credits to the K-State 8.


General Education: UGE

University General Education Requirements

IMPORTANT NOTES:  This section does not apply to students who first enroll in Summer 2011 or later. Those students must meet the requirements of The K-State 8 General Education Program.

Students who began their programs of study in earlier terms under the University General Education (UGE) program may complete their degrees with UGE requirements or may choose to move to The K-State 8. Students should check with their academic advisors to determine which choice would be better.  To switch, students must consult with their academic advisors.

Students who are readmitted in Summer 2011 and later will be designated as meeting the K-State 8 by the Office of Admissions. Deans’ offices can make an exception for the readmitted student who has completed UGE or who would prefer to complete UGE requirements.

The following information about UGE remains in the Undergraduate Catalog for the benefit of students who choose to continue meeting UGE requirements.

The College of Technology and Aviation requires each student to complete course work that fulfills the university general education requirements. The following information describes these requirements for associate and baccalaureate degree programs in the college.

Associate degrees

Degree requirements for students pursuing an associate degree in the College of Technology and Aviation include 6 credit hours of approved university general education courses. Students may take no university general education courses from within their major field of study, with the exception of the optional upper-division UGE course or experience described below.

Baccalaureate degrees

Degree requirements for students pursuing a baccalaureate degree in the College of Technology and Aviation include 18 credit hours of approved university general education courses, of which at least 6 credit hours are at the 300 level or above. Students may take no more than six credit hours of university general education course work with the same course number prefix, and they may take no university general education courses from within their major field of study, with the exception of the optional upper-division UGE course or experience described below.

Policy for transfer students

Students entering Kansas State University transferring credit from accredited two-year or four-year institutions are required to complete a minimum number of university general education credit hours at K-State. The minimum number of university general education credit hours required is based upon the total number of completed transfer credit hours accepted at K-State on the student’s initial date of entry.

Associate degree programs
Number of completed
transfer credit hours
accepted at K-State on
initial date of entry
Minimum university general
education credit hours
to be taken at K-State
0–14 6
15 and above 3

Baccalaureate degree programs
Number of completed
transfer credit hours
accepted at K-State on
initial date of entry
Minimum university general
education credit hours
to be taken at K-State
0–7 18
8–29 12
30–44 9
45 and above 6

Each transfer student is required to complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of K-State upper-division university general education courses (300 and above) as specified in the program in which they will graduate.

Policy for curriculum changes

Students changing curricula within Kansas State University must satisfy the university general education requirements for the program in which they will graduate. Students entering a baccalaureate degree program after completing an associate degree at K-State are not considered to be transfer students, as far as the university general education requirements are concerned. These students must meet the university general education requirements for the baccalaureate curriculum that they are entering.

University general education course selection

University general education courses may overlay the degree requirements in a given curriculum, to satisfy concurrently both the accreditation criteria for that program and the university general education requirements. Refer to the latest college advising information for a complete list of approved UGE courses.

Optional upper-division UGE course or experience

Students may include as part of their UGE program requirements a maximum of three credit hours from designated upper-division major-specific courses or experiences that have been approved as UGE equivalent. Such upper-division courses or experiences will be specifically designed for majors, and they will incorporate the three UGE benchmarks:

  • An active learning environment
  • Experiential context for the matter to be studied
  • The opportunity for students to seek connections across knowledge/disciplines

These designated upper-division courses or experiences will include significant advanced writing experiences. The goal is to provide intense frequent writing experiences, comparable to the writing norm for the discipline or the profession. Target audiences could include professionals, peers, and/or clients. Students will be given adequate feedback, written and/or oral, on content and expression. Following feedback, students will be given opportunities to apply the feedback as part of a comprehensive process, either in revision of the original writing assignment or in subsequent writing activities.

For more information about UGE requirements, see the Undergraduate Degrees section of this catalog. Refer to the UGE Website for a current list of approved UGE courses.


University Honors Program

The Kansas State University Honors Program is intended to recognize high achievement of outstanding students who go beyond the curriculum requirements for a given degree program to meet the challenges of completing advanced study, scholarship, leadership, and citizenship activities. The Honors Program requires the completion of a minimum of 15 credit hours.

For more information

Enrollment in the University Honors Program

Admission to the University Honors Program requires the submission of an application, the details of which can be found on the web.

Once accepted into the University Honors Program, students must maintain a high level of academic achievement as evidenced by an overall KSU grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Honors students who fall below this level have one semester to rectify this deficiency.

Current Kansas State University students who have achieved a high level of academic success (minimum GPA of 3.5 with a minimum of 15 credit hours) and want to become a part of the University Honors Program should contact the Director of the program to discuss this opportunity.

Transfer students with strong academic backgrounds are also encouraged to consult with the Director of the University Honors Program to review their record and determine eligibility and requirements. In general, transfer students eligible for the University Honors Program will have a minimum GPA of 3.5 from their previous school(s) based on at least 15 credit hours.

University-level requirements (7 credit hours or equivalent)

  • Retreat for new students prior to fall semester (optional)
  • COT 020 - University Honors Program. Students enroll in this course each semester (0 credit)
  • COT 189 - Introduction to University Honors Program (1 credit)
  • Other Requirements (6 credits)
    • University honors courses and new courses generated by departments. These courses can be honors sections of required courses or elective seminars (most are 3 credit hours).
    • Alternative opportunities (e.g., study abroad) to generate university level honor credit hours or their equivalent must be approved by both the Director of the University Honors Program and the college coordinator (or appropriate college representative). Students cannot use a given activity for both university and college level. Under no circumstances will students be allowed to arrange for credit after the experience is completed.

College-level requirements (8 credit hours or equivalent)

  • Capstone Honors Project: This is a significant body of work that is supervised by a faculty member.
  • Alternative opportunities (study abroad, internships, community service, etc.) can be used to fulfill this requirement, whether it is for academic credit or equivalent. These alternative opportunities must be approved by both the appropriate college representative and the University Honors Program Director and be in place before the activity occurs. 


Dean’s Office Courses

The following courses are coordinated by the K-State Salina Dean’s Office:

General-College of Technology and Aviation

University Honors Program




Dean’s Office Programs