Feb 09, 2025  
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


108A Thompson Hall
Fax: 785-532-5159

Department Head:

George Clark

Director of graduate studies:

Abdelmoneam Raef (International)
Matthew Brueseke (Domestic)
Saugata Datta (Domestic)

Graduate faculty:

Allen W. Archer, Ph.D., Indiana University
Matthew Edward Brueseke, Ph.D., Miami University
Sambhudas Chaudhuri, Ph.D., Ohio State University
George R. Clark II, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Robert L. Cullers, Emeritus, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Saugata Datta, Ph.D., University of Western Ontario
Charles G. Oviatt, Ph.D., University of Utah
Abdelmoneam E. Raef, Ph.D., The University of Science and Technology, Poland
Joel Q. G. Spencer, Ph.D., University of Glasgow
Matthew Totten, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Ronald R. West, Emeritus, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.

Program description

The Master of Science degree in geology is the level of professional education needed by today’s career geologists in corporate or government employment.  It is also a routine stepping stone for geologists continuing their studies for the doctoral degree.  At K-State the Department of Geology encourages the student to select an area of interest, guides him or her through 24 (or more) credit hours of course work to develop essential skills in that area (including study in supporting sciences where appropriate), and supervises the completion of 6 credit hours of research that will culminate in a written thesis.  Areas of interest might include field mapping, petroleum exploration, environmental or groundwater investigations, sedimentary geology, applied geophysics, volcanology, paleobiology, or earth science education. 

The department presently (2007-2008) has eight full-time graduate faculty members and approximately twelve graduate students.  Beginning in 2008-2009 we are adding two new faculty members for a total of ten.  With new research opportunities and recently donated fellowship funds, we hope to expand our graduate student body as well.

Full-time graduate students in residence are normally supported for two academic years, mostly with graduate teaching assistantships, but sometimes research assistantships or fellowships.  Teaching assistantships include a waiver of tuition.  Some department funds are available to support field research and the presentation of student papers at meetings.  Scholarship support is also available through the department and from several regional societies and organizations.

K-State’s Department of Geology has active collaborations through a number of organizations, especially the Kansas Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey.  Other collaborations are sometimes available through neighboring universities and the geological surveys of other states.  Some of our students have also taken advantage of corporate internships to further their research projects.

A wide variety of research instrumentation is available at the K-State campus, including a nuclear reactor; this last has been used frequently by our students for neutron activation analysis.  We are also fortunate to be well situated for field work on a variety of projects, in areas as diverse as Paleozoic sedimentation and diagenesis, invertebrate paleontology, groundwater geochemistry, 3-D seismic analysis, petroleum geology, glacial geology, and even volcanology (there are kimberlites within 30 miles of campus).  The Konza Prairie nature preserve can serve for experimental work, as well.  Computer facilities are excellent.

Applications (forms downloadable from the graduate school website) to the M.S. program should be accompanied by (1) official transcripts from all colleges attended; (2) three letters of recommendation; (3) GRE scores; and (4) a statement of career goals and interests.  International applicants should refer to the graduate school website for additional requirements.  Applications for financial assistance should be received by March 1.


Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

