2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
M. M. Chengappa, Head
Regents Distinguished Professor: Richt; University Distinguished Professors: Chengappa, Dryden, and Nagaraja; Professors: Anderson, Andrews, Cates, DeBey, Dritz, Ganta, Hesse, Higgs, Mosier, Nietfeld, Oberst, Powell, Rowland, Sanderson, Scott, Stockham, and Wilkerson; Associate Professors: Chang, Hanlon, Kastner, Narayanan, Nguyen, Payne, Renter, Van der Merwe, Wyatt, and Zurek; Assistant Professors: Almes, Bai, Gumber, Hanzlicek, Henningson, Ma, and Pohlman; Research Assistant Professors: Bawa, Kim, Lubbers, Peddireddi, Raghavan, and Von Ohlen; Instructor: Gupta; Emeritus Faculty: Bailie, N. Jaax, Keeton, Kennedy, Minocha, Moore, Oehme, Phillips, Pickrell, Ridley, Robertson, Schoning, Seedle, and Spire; Adjunct Faculty: Ackleson, Ashford, Borca, Briggs, Chapman, Correa, Cupp, Drolet, Franz, Henry, Ives, Keil, Lechtenberg, McIntosh, McVey, Rodriguez, Sargeant, Tokach, Trevino-Garrison, S. Wilson, and W. Wilson; Ancillary Faculty: Bello, Hollis, and J. Jaax; Courtesy Faculty Appointment: Marlow and Olson.
K-221 Mosier Hall
Fax: 785-532-4039
E-mail: chengapa@vet.k-state.edu
Courses in pathology, parasitology, bacteriology, virology, immunology, public health, epidemiology, toxicology, and clinical pathology are offered for students enrolled in the veterinary medicine curriculum. Third- and fourth-year veterinary medical students receive practical instruction in clinical laboratory procedures and the interpretation of results of laboratory tests.
Courses in diseases of laboratory animals, wildlife, and fish are offered for non-veterinary undergraduate and graduate students.
The wide variety of research conducted in the department provides new information to enhance animal and human health. Major areas of focus include infectious diseases, immunology, parasitology, environmental toxicology, and diagnostic test development.
The department serves the livestock and companion animal industry by conducting investigational procedures to identify animal disease problems.The department’s diagnostic laboratory is nationally recognized as fully accredited with capabilities in all areas of diagnostic medicine by AAVLD.