2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
American Ethnic Studies
Juanita McGowan, Ph.D., Director
Professors: D. Benson, Cochran, Goins, Oropesa, Prins, and Schumm; Associate Professors: J. Benson, Exdell, Gartner, Griffin, Janette, McGowan, Sabates, Saucier, Sherow, Smith, Taylor, Webb, Wigfall, and Yum; Assistant Professors: Rager; Instructor: Holmes.
003 Leasure Hall
Fax: 785-532-3299
E-mail: blessing@ksu.edu
The American Ethnic Studies program primarily focuses on African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans, but includes the study of other ethnic groups in the United States as well. The courses in the program meet the educational and career needs of students by preparing them to function intellectually in a multiethnic, multicultural world.
Students are encouraged to enroll in American Ethnic Studies courses whether or not they select to earn a bachelor’s degree or minor in American Ethnic Studies.
Credit and content
All courses regularly offered for American Ethnic Studies credit have at least 40 percent or a major focus of content concerned with American ethnic groups, their ancestral cultures, or American ethnicity. Instructors and students of courses not regularly included in the American ethnic studies program may petition for credit on the basis of the same criteria.
In addition, departments offer courses on special topics, seminars, pro seminars, honors seminars, and independent studies that may apply for credit.
Relevant K-State-validated courses of transfer students will be accepted for American ethnic studies credit upon validation by the American Ethnic Studies Governance Board.
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
American Ethnic Studies - Interdisciplinary