The university uses the following grades:
- A, for excellent work
- B, for good work
- C, for fair work
- D, for poor work
- F, for failure
- I, for incomplete
- P, for grades of B, C, or D in courses taken under the A/Pass/F grading option
- Cr, for credit in courses for which no letter grade is given (non-graded courses)
- NC, for no credit in courses for which no letter grade is given (non-graded courses)
- NR, for no grade reported
- W, for withdrawn
- XF, violation of Honor Code
Courses in which a Cr or P grade is received may be used in fulfilling graduation requirements. Only the grades A, B, C, D, and F are used in calculating resident grade averages.
Incomplete Grade Policy
The grade of Incomplete (I) is given in regular courses (other than independent studies, research, and problems) upon request of the student for personal emergencies that are verifiable. The faculty member has the responsibility to provide written notification to the student of work required to remove the incomplete. The student has the responsibility to take the initiative in completing the work, and is expected to make up the incomplete during the first term (enrolled) at the university after receiving the grade of I. If the student does not make up the incomplete during the first term enrolled at the university after receiving it, a grade may be given by the faculty member without further consultation with the student.
If after the end of the first term the I remains on the record it will be designated as F for record-keeping purposes and will be computed in the student’s GPA, weighted at 0 points per credit. A grade of NR will be treated in a like manner using the designation F.
Report of Grades
Academic progress reports for new freshmen are available in iSIS to students and deans’ offices at the close of the fifth week of courses of the fall or spring term.
The instructor reports final term grades, based on examinations and course work, to the Registrar’s Office via the iSIS grade roster.
In case of absence from the final examination, the instructor reports a mark of I for incomplete or computes the grade on the basis of zero for the final examination. If an Incomplete is reported, a reasonable time, usually not over one month, is allowed in which to take the examination.
For each term hour of graded work, students earn points, as follows:
Letter Grade |
Point Value |
A |
4.0 |
B |
3.0 |
C |
2.0 |
D |
1.0 |
F |
0 |
Scholastic Deficiencies
Students are notified of their scholastic status by the appropriate academic deans from information supplied by the Registrar’s Office. The scholastic record of each undergraduate is evaluated twice yearly, at the end of the fall term and at the end of the spring term. The student’s scholastic status does not change as a result of work taken in summer term or intersession.
Students (excluding students in the College of Veterinary Medicine) are placed on academic warning or dismissal according to the following policy.
Undergraduate Credit and Grades
Students Who Earn Less Than a 1.0 GPA in a Given Term
Students who earn less than a 1.0 GPA in any term are considered to have neglected their academic responsibilities. The following policy applies:
- Any student (freshman or transfer) who earns less than a 1.0 term GPA in his or her first term at K-State will be dismissed.
- Any continuing student enrolled at K-State not dismissed by university academic standards policies but who earns less than a 1.0 term GPA will have registration for the next term withheld subject to review by the academic dean or the dean’s representative(s).
Academic Warning
- Students who earn less than a 2.0 K-State term or cumulative GPA will be placed on academic warning.
- Students will be automatically taken off academic warning when the cumulative K-State GPA reaches 2.0 in spring or fall end-of-term grade posting.
Academic Dismissal
- Credit hours used to determine the appropriate threshold will include transfer hours accepted, all K-State graded hours, and miscellaneous hours completed.
- Credit hours used in calculating term and cumulative grade point averages will include only K-State graded hours. Grades for courses accepted in transfer from another institution will not be used in the grade point average calculation.
- Students with a K-State cumulative GPA of 1.0 or greater will not be dismissed until they have accumulated at least 20 term credit hours as defined in item 1. (Exception: A student who earns less than a 1.0 term GPA in his or her first term at K-State will be dismissed.)
- Students must be on academic warning the term prior to dismissal. (Exception: A student who earns less than a 1.0 term GPA in his or her first term at K-State will be dismissed.)
- Students will be academically dismissed if their K-State cumulative GPA is below the following threshold values:
Total hours accumulated* |
K-State GPA |
20–29 |
1.50 |
30–45 |
1.75 |
46–60 |
1.80 |
61–75 |
1.85 |
76–90 |
1.90 |
91–105 |
1.95 |
greater than 105 |
2.00 |
*Defined in item 1 above
- Students who earn a K-State term GPA of 2.2 or more on 12 or more graded hours (or the minimum grade point average established by the student’s college, if higher) during the term in question will not be dismissed.
- Students who neglect their academic responsibilities may be dismissed at any time on recommendation of the academic dean.
- Dismissed students will be readmitted only when approved for reinstatement by the academic standards committee of the college the students are attempting to enter. Normally students must wait at least two terms before being considered for reinstatement and are on academic warning at the time of readmission.
- Students who have been dismissed or have had their registration withheld will receive a letter providing a contact person and information about reinstatement or enrollment procedures.
Normally a student must wait at least two terms before being considered for reinstatement.
A dismissed student will be readmitted only when approved for reinstatement by the academic standards committee of the college the student is attempting to enter; the application for reinstatement must be directed to the academic standards committee.
Students who earn a term grade point average of at least 2.0 but less than 2.2 on 12 or more credits during the term they are dismissed can be considered for immediate reinstatement.
The Academic Fresh Start GPA Policy and Academic Forgiveness GPA Policy will enable an undergraduate student to neutralize, in part, the grade impact of prior academic performance. Academic Fresh Start and Academic Forgiveness provide for the computation of an alternative GPA and for the use of that GPA in most academic situations. A student may apply only once, and to only one or the other, and the process cannot be reversed. A student may not apply for either policy until he or she has been reinstated into his or her college. Read the policies in their entirety Academic Fresh Start GPA Policy and Academic Forgiveness GPA Policy.
Graduation Honors
Degree candidates who have completed a minimum of 60 hours in residence, with at least 50 hours in graded courses, are considered for graduation with scholastic honors as follows:
- Summa cum laude: 3.950 or above academic average.
- Magna cum laude: 3.850–3.949 K-State academic average.
- Cum laude: 3.750–3.849 K-State academic average.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree candidates are eligible to receive these honors based on courses completed in the professional program.
Term honors
Students with at least 12 graded hours whose term grade point average for a given term is 3.75 or above will be awarded term scholastic honors.
For the unofficial commencement program, honors will be determined on a minimum of 45 hours in residence completed prior to the term of graduation with at least 36 credit hours in graded courses.
Credits for Extracurricular Work
Students may earn credit toward graduation by satisfactory participation in certain extracurricular activities. These activities, and the maximum term hours of credit allowed, are as follows:
Subject and course |
Term Hours |
Total Hours |
K-State Symphony (MUSIC 130, 404) |
1 |
4 |
Bands-Marching, Pep, etc. (MUSIC 115, 116, 401, 411) |
1 |
4 |
Concert Choir (MUSIC 111, 400) |
1 |
4 |
Collegiate Chorale (MUSIC 121, 403) |
1 |
4 |
K-State Singers (MUSIC 125) |
1 |
4 |
Concert Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Labs (MUSIC 298, 299) |
1 |
4 |
Men’s Glee Club (MUSIC 135, 408) |
1 |
4 |
Women’s Glee Club (MUSIC 140, 409) |
1 |
4 |
Instrumental Ensemble (MUSIC 117, 280, 402, 480) |
1 |
4 |
Vocal Ensembles (MUSIC 280, 480 voice) |
1 |
4 |
Opera Workshop (MUSIC 475) |
1 |
4 |
Debate (COMM 210) |
2 |
4 |
Kansas State Collegian (MC 385-A Newspaper Practicum)
1 |
4 |
Royal Purple Yearbook (MC 385-B Yearbook Practicum) |
1 |
4 |
KSDB-FM (MC385-C Radio Practicum) |
1 |
4 |
KSDB-FM Audition (MC 165) |
0 |
0 |
KSDB Participation (MC 460) |
3 |
4 |
K-State Agriculturist (AGCOM 410) |
1 |
4 |
K-State Engineer (DEN 200) |
1 |
2 |
Men’s Athletics (ATHM) |
1 |
4 |
Women’s Athletics (ATHW) |
1 |
4 |
Extracurricular credit is also available with the K-State Dance Workshop (through Dance Production course).
Credits may be counted as electives in a student’s curriculum. A student may use no more than eight term hours in these subjects toward graduation and enroll for not more than two in a term.
A student is regularly assigned to these activities, with permission of the instructor in charge of the work. A student participating in one or more of these activities must be enrolled even though the credits exceed the maximum for graduation.
Classification of Students
An entering high school graduate with less than 30 term hours accumulated credit is classified as a freshman. A student is advanced to a higher classification upon successful completion of sufficient credit hours to meet the requirements as listed below:
Class |
Hours Completed |
Freshman |
Less than 30 |
Sophomore |
30 |
Junior |
60 |
Senior |
90 |
Fifth-year student* |
120 |
*Applies only to the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design and the College of Engineering.
Student Records
University Policy
Kansas State University maintains various student records, to document academic progress as well as to record interactions with university staff and officials. To protect students’ rights to privacy, and to conform with federal law, the university has an established policy for handling student records. Interpretation of this policy is based on experience with educational records, and the policy itself may subsequently be modified in light of this experience. Notice of this policy and of students’ rights under the federal law is given annually. Copies of this policy are available at the Registrar’s Office, 118 Anderson Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-0114 and are published in the Undergraduate Catalog, Graduate Catalog, and in the Course Schedule.
Directory Information
Certain information concerning students is considered to be open to the public upon inquiry. This public information is called directory information and includes: name, local address and telephone number, permanent address, photograph or likeness, e-mail address, college, enrollment status (full/part-time), curriculum, classification, date and place of birth, dates of attendance at Kansas State University, awards and academic honors, degrees and dates awarded, most recent previous educational institution attended, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and height and weight of members of athletic teams.
Directory information as defined above may be released upon inquiry, unless the student has requested that this information not be released. The student’s request to have directory information withheld must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, 118 Anderson Hall or (208 College Center, Salina). The Registrar’s Office will notify other appropriate University offices by placing a notation within the student information system. See URL ( for the Non-Disclosure Hold of Student Directory Information form.
Confidential Information
With the exception of the information noted above, students’ records are generally considered to be confidential. The following policies govern access to confidential student records:
- Each type of student record is the responsibility of a designated university official, and only that person or the Dean, Director, or Vice President to whom that person reports has authority to release the record. The responsible University officials are:
- Academic disciplinary records: Chair of Undergraduate Grievance Committee
- Academic records: for undergraduates, University Registrar, Anderson Hall; for graduate students, the Graduate School Office, Fairchild Hall
- Actions of academic standards committees: College Dean
- Admissions records: for undergraduate students, the Director of Admissions, Anderson Hall; for graduate students, the Graduate School Office, Fairchild Hall
- Business records: Division of Financial Services, Anderson Hall
- Counseling records: Director of English/Counseling Services
- Evaluations for admission to graduate or professional programs: Dean of the Graduate School or the appropriate college or Department Head
- Financial aid records: Director of Student Financial Assistance, Fairchild Hall
- Housing records: Director of Housing, Pittman Building
- International student records: International student advisor, International Student and Scholar Services
- Medical records: Director, Student Health Service, Lafene Health Center
- Non-academic disciplinary records: Dean of Student Life
- Placement records: Director of Career and Employment Services, Holtz Hall
- Special academic programs: Faculty member in charge of the program and Dean of the College
- Test scores for College Level Examination Program (CLEP), American College Testing Program (ACT), Miller Analogies Test (MAT), etc.: Director of Academic Assistance Center, Holton Hall
- Traffic and security records: Head of K-State Police Department, Edwards Hall
- Confidential educational records and personally identifiable information from those records will not be released without the written consent of the student involved, except to other University officials, or in connection with student’s application for financial aid; or by submitting proof of dependency; or in response to a judicial order or subpoena; or in a bona fide health or safety emergency; or, upon request, to other schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll; or to the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, the U.S. Commissioner of Education, the Director of the National Institute of Education, the Assistant Secretary for Education, state educational authorities, or state and local officials where required by state statute adopted before November 19, 1974.
- A University official may release records to University officials who have a legitimate educational interest for the information in order to carry out their responsibilities. University officials are those officials who act in the student’s educational interest within the limitations of their “need to know.” University officials include the following: University faculty, staff, and administrators; agents of the University; students employed by the University or who serve on official University committees; and representatives of agencies under contract with the University.
- All student records are reviewed periodically. Information concerning the frequency of review and expurgation of specific records is available in the Registrar’s Office.
- With certain exceptions*, students may review records which pertain directly to them upon request and may obtain a copy of the record at cost, according to the following schedule.
- Transcript of Academic Record - No charge for currently enrolled students. A $10 charge for a non-enrolled student.
- Medical records (Lafene Student Health Center) - no charge to patient for medical purposes. A copy charge is assessed to certain outside parties with patient release.
- Other records - at cost.
*The major exceptions to student review are medical and counseling records. These may be released, however, to other medical or psychological professionals at the written request of the student; and may be inspected by the patient at the discretion of the professional staff. Other exceptions are law enforcement records, private notes of University officials, and financial records of parents.
- A student may waive the right to review a specific record by submitting in writing a statement to this effect to the official responsible for that record. Examples are recommendations for career placement or admission to graduate study.
- University officials who have access to student educational records in the course of carrying out their University responsibilities shall not be permitted to release the record to persons outside the University, unless authorized in writing by the student or as required by a court order. Only the official responsible for the records has the authority to release them.
- All personal educational information about a student released to a third party will be transferred on condition that no one else shall have access to it except with the student’s consent. A record is maintained showing who has had access to student records, and this record is open to inspection by the student.
When Records May Be Withheld
A University official may request that the student’s record not be released in the case the student has a delinquency in an account with the University, including unpaid traffic or parking violations, or if official disciplinary action has been taken. The effect of this action is that transcripts are not released, and enrollment is withheld. In order for the action to be rescinded, the Registrar’s Office must receive authorization from the University official who originally requested the action, indicating that the student has met the obligation.
To contest the withholding of a record, a student must attempt to settle the dispute with the University official who requested that the record be withheld. If this attempt to resolve the dispute is unsuccessful, the matter may be resolved in accordance with the process described in the following section. Further information concerning this policy can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office, 118 Anderson Hall, Manhattan (or 208 College Center, Salina).
Review and Challenge of Records
Upon request to the University official listed above, a record covered by the FERPA will be made available within a reasonable time to the student and in no event later than 45 days after the request. Copies are available at the student’s expense and explanations and interpretations of the records may be requested from the University official in charge.
If the student believes that a particular record or file contains inaccurate or misleading information, the University will afford an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record. Prior to any formal hearing, the University official in charge of the record is authorized to attempt, through informal meetings and discussions with the student, to settle the dispute.
If this is unsuccessful, then the matter will be referred to the appropriate vice president. If the student is still dissatisfied, then a hearing may be requested. The hearing, conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the President, will be held within two weeks. The student will have the opportunity at the hearing to present any relevant evidence, and a decision will be rendered within two weeks after the hearing. If the result does not satisfy the student, he or she may place a statement in his/her educational record.
A student who believes the university has not complied with the FERPA or regulations may send a written complaint to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office, Department of Education, 400 Maryland, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
Revised: 08-31-10
A transcript is a certified, official copy of a student’s permanent academic record. In accordance with the Public Information Act and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, student academic records are classified as confidential and may be released only with the student’s authentication in iSIS or authentication in the K-State transcript portal. NO ONE ELSE (including your spouse, parents, etc.) can request your transcript, as your authentication permission is required by law.
A transcript picked up in person or sent directly to the student that is not placed in a sealed envelope with the Registrar’s signature criss-crossed on the flap is stamped “issued to student.” Some institutions may not accept an “issued to student” transcript or an electronic transcript.
There is no transcript fee for currently enrolled students. For students who are not currently enrolled, each transcript costs $10, which is to be paid in advance by credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa).
There is no additional mailing charge if the transcript is sent by regular mail. Priority mailing charge is an additional $8 per envelope (limit 5 transcripts per envelope); next day FedEx charge is an additional $25 per envelope (domestic) and $40 per envelope (international) limit 5 transcripts per envelope.
If a student is delinquent to the university, then transcript services are withheld, until the delinquency is cleared.
Ordering Information
Order transcipts online via the Registrar’s Office website.
In Person
Come to the Registrar’s Office (118 Anderson Hall) in Manhattan or College Advancement (208 College Center) in Salina. You must have your K-State student ID or driver’s license for identification purposes.
No one else (including your spouse, parent, etc.) may pick up your transcript without your written permission. (If someone else is to pick up your transcript, then identify by name the person who is authorized to obtain your transcript and include your original written signature. He or she will be required to show a photo ID.)
Graduate Student Responsibility
Graduate students are held responsible for knowing all published academic policies and degree requirements and so should familiarize themselves with information in this Catalog and the Graduate Handbook. They are likewise held responsible for knowing the regulations concerning the degree they plan to take and any special requirements within the program or academic unit. In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to be informed of the University’s policies regarding the standard of work required for continued enrollment in the Graduate School. The Graduate School should be consulted if additional information is needed.
Although it is customary for many graduate students to work continuously throughout the year, especially on thesis and dissertation research, the major professor or certain supervisory committee members may not be available during the summer months. This is especially the case for faculty members on nine-month appointments who may be pursuing other activities off campus during that time. Students should take such possibilities into account in scheduling various examinations and thesis or dissertation reviews.
Graduate Credit and Grades
The course and research requirements for graduate degrees are expressed in terms of graduate credit. Graduate credit may not be earned by examination or by correspondence.
The following grades are used in the Graduate School: A, B, C, D, F, Credit, No Credit, Incomplete, and Withdrawn. A candidate for an advanced degree must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a 3.0 on course work on the program of study. To count for graduate credit the grade in a course must be C or better and no course may be counted more than once in a program. Retaken courses remain on the transcript and are considered as part of the record. A graduate student’s record will be reviewed after the completion of each session.
The grade of Incomplete (I) is given in regular courses (except for theses, dissertations and directed research courses) upon request of the student for personal emergencies that are verifiable. The faculty member has the responsibility to provide written notification to the student of the work required to remove the incomplete. The student has the responsibility to take the initiative in completing the work and is expected to make up the I during the next term (Fall or Spring) after receiving the grade (except for dissertations and directed research courses). If the student does not make up the I during the next term after receiving it, a grade may be given by the faculty member without further consultation with the student.
If after the end of the next term the I remains on the record, it will be designated as F (previously IX) for record keeping and will be computed in the student’s GPA, weighted at 0 points per credit. A grade of NR will be treated in a like manner.
Non-graded work
At the discretion of the graduate faculty of the department concerned, seminars or colloquia, in which letter grading conflicts with the objectives intended, may be offered on a Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail basis rather than for a letter grade. The seminars and colloquia which are to be offered for Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail shall be listed with the dean of the Graduate School. All courses on the program of study except research (report, thesis, or dissertation) and seminars or colloquia which have been approved for Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail must be taken for letter grades. All research credit hours must be graded as Credit/No Credit. Independently of the program of study, additional courses may be taken on a Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail basis with the approval of the major professor and the professor offering the course. These courses may not be applied toward a degree. No more than 3 hours of Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail courses may appear on the program of study for the master’s degree, nor more than 6 for a doctoral degree.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Admission to and continuation in the Graduate School depends upon a high level of achievement. Students may be placed on probation as a condition of their admission to graduate programs, if warranted by their prior academic record. In addition, students who fail to make satisfactory progress in their graduate programs will be placed on probation. Either of the following conditions will warrant probation: (a) a grade point average lower than 3.0; (b) the recommendation of the major professor or student’s committee that the student’s progress is unsatisfactory.
Students on probation as a condition of admission will acquire good standing if they achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in the first 9 credit hours of graduate course work. Students placed on probation for deficient grades will be restored to good standing if they achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Normally, this must be done within two terms for full-time students and within 12 credit hours for part-time students. If the student received less than 3.0 in a course listed on the program of study, the student’s major professor and the student’s supervisory committee may require that the student retake the course. If the course is retaken by the direction of the major professor and the supervisory committee, the original grade is noted as retaken and removed from the grade point average. The retake grade will always be used in computing the grade point average regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the original grade. A student may retake a course with subsequent removal of the prior grade only once for each course and for a total of two courses in a degree program. The Request to Retake a Graduate Course is available in the Graduate School and should be submitted to the Graduate School by the specified deadline.
A graduate student will be denied continued enrollment in the University for any of the following reasons: (a) failure of a student on probation as a condition of admission to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the first 9 hours of graduate level course work; (b) failure of a student placed on probation for deficient grades to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 within two terms for full-time students and within 12 credit hours for part-time students; (c) failure to meet published departmental or university requirements; (d) failure to maintain satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree; (e) failure in the preliminary examination (doctoral students only) or the final examination; (f) failure to acquire mastery of the methodology and content in a field sufficient to complete a successful thesis or dissertation; (g) qualifying for placement on probation a second time, except when the first period of probation is a condition of admission or when the second period is a condition of reinstatement.
A student denied the privilege of continued enrollment may petition the graduate dean for reinstatement to the same curriculum or for admission to a different curriculum.
Providing False Information
An individual who withholds information or provides false information on graduate admission applications or to any University official, faculty/staff member, or office may have his/her application denied or may be dismissed from the University. The decision for dismissal will be made by the Dean of the Graduate School. This decision will be made after a complete and thorough review of the situation and an individual conference with the student involved. The individual dismissed has the right to appeal the decision. Contact the Graduate School for information on appeal procedures. |