2010-2011 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
237 Durland Hall
Fax: 785-532-3738
Department Head:
Bradley A. Kramer
Director of graduate studies:
E. Stanley Lee
Graduate faculty:
*David Ben-Arieh, Ph.D., Purdue University
*Shing Chang, Ph.D., Ohio State University
Kimberly Douglas, Ph.D., Arizona State University
*Todd Easton, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
*John English, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Steven J. Galitzer, Ph.D., Kansas State University
R. Michael Harnett, Ph.D., University of Alabama in Huntsville
*Bradley A. Kramer, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*E. Stanley Lee, Ph.D., Princeton University
*Shuting Lei, Ph.D., Purdue University
*Z. J. Pei, Ph.D., University of Illinois
*Malgorzata Rys, Ph.D., Kansas State University
*Chih-Hang Wu, Ph.D., Penn State University
*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students.
Academic programs
The department consists of 12 graduate faculty members and over 50 graduate students. The department performs research in manufacturing systems, operations research, human factors (ergonomics) and engineering management. From previous data over 80% of on-campus graduate students (master’s and Ph.D.) receive assistantships.
The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering offers the following degrees/options at the graduate level:
- Concurrent B.S./M.S. in Industrial Engineering (BS/MSIE)
- M.S. in Industrial Engineering (MSIE)
- M.S. in Operations Research (MSOR)
- Master of Engineering Management (MEM)
- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (PhDIE)
Students that complete a masters degree are able to
- Solve advanced engineering problems using discipline appropriate math, science, computation and analysis skill
- Synthesize and evaluate information
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge in area of specialization
- Recognize and apply state of the art techniques in the field
- Communicate effectively in both written and oral forms
Besides the above skills, students who complete a Ph.D. can also
- Plan and conduct scholarly activities that make original contributions to the knowledge base in the field of study.
The BS/MSIE degree is only open to students that are currently pursuing a BSIE at KSU. Since there is some overlap between undergraduate and graduate study, some graduate courses will satisfy the degree requirements for the undergraduate degree. A maximum of 9 credit hours from the M.S.I.E. degree can be counted toward the B.S.I.E. degree. A more detailed description can be found in KSU’s Undergraduate Catalog.
The MSIE program can be completed with either a thesis or coursework only option. Both options require the completion of 30 graduate credit hours. This program is only offered to on-campus students.
The MSOR program can be completed with either a thesis or coursework only option. Both options require the completion of 30 graduate credit hours. The MSOR degree is offered to on-campus and to a limited number of off-campus students through distance learning media.
The MEM degree is a course-work only program that is designed for working professionals. The courses are taken by off-campus students through distance learning media. To complete this program requires the completion of 30 graduate credit hours.
The PhDIE degree requires either 60 hours of graduate credit beyond the M.S. degree or 90 graduate credit hours without a M.S. degree. 9 out of 30 credit hours after M.S. degree will be restricted to pre-specified IMSE courses. A significant original research project documented in the form of an acceptable dissertation is required. The dissertation must be of sufficient quality and importance to merit publication in a refereed journal.
Research emphases
Research in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering is conducted in five primary areas.
Improve how humans work with machines and each other. Develop safe and productive work environments.
Manufacturing systems
Design and improve manufacturing systems with respect to product quality and system productivity.
Operations research
Expand the methodologies available for solving decision problems in engineering, economics, business and social systems. Incorporates applied mathematics and computer technologies into solution methods.
Quality engineering
Control manufacturing cost through manufacturing process improvement. Diagnose quality problems to improve product quality.
Uncertainty representation and reasoning
Improve engineering decision making, which is based on many uncertainties and approximations.
Major research facilities and equipment
The department of engineering has well-equipped laboratories supporting some of its research activities. Additional research is conducted in the field using industrial facilities.
The Soft Computing Laboratory, an interdisciplinary laboratory with Computing Science, supports research, education and dissemination of information related to evidential and uncertainty reasoning such as Bayesian reasoning, fuzzy logic, neural network, etc. The emphasis is on the representation and aggregation of linguistic and not-well-defined information for the purpose of modeling, decision making and intelligent control.
The ergonomics laboratory contains measurement apparatus for assessing stress levels imposed on human workers by various job designs and work environments.
The manufacturing processes laboratory consists of a wide range of manufacturing process equipment that can support research involving basic manufacturing processes. The laboratory includes numerous lathes and milling machines, a foundry with gas-fired and electric induction furnaces, molten salt heat treat facility, gas-flame metal cutting and joining processes, various welding processes, and material properties measurement equipment.
The Computer Integrated Manufacturing laboratory is a modern, well-equipped computer controlled manufacturing system. Equipment included in the lab are Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining centers, robots, programmable logic controllers, a programmable conveyor, and computer workstations for Computer Aided Manufacturing.
The departmental computing laboratories are modern and well equipped. IMSE students have access to these labs 24 hours a day.
Financial support
Financial support for a number of teaching and research assistants is available. However, the requests for this support regularly exceed the funding available. Awards are made on a competitive basis. The awarding of financial assistance is separate and distinct from admission to the graduate program. Many students choose to enroll without financial assistance to pursue the various graduate degrees and options in industrial and manufacturing systems engineering.
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Science
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering