Feb 18, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Monty Nielsen, University Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506-0102

Enrollments for fall, spring, and summer terms occur at specified times during the academic year. The specific times are outlined in the Course Schedule.

Assignment to Courses

Each student is responsible for fulfilling all requirements of the curriculum in which he or she is enrolled. The student should consult with his or her advisor and be familiar with the K-State Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog.

No student is officially enrolled in courses or for private lessons in music or other subjects until enrollment is completed.

No more than 16 credit hours, including those obtained in research, may be assigned in a single term, nor more than 9 credit hours during a summer term. If a part of the assignment is for undergraduate credit, a student may be assigned to 17 hours during a term or 10 hours during a summer term. Full-time staff members of the university may not be assigned to more than 6 hours in one term, nor more than 3 hours in a summer term, and may enroll only with the permission of their supervisors. (See section on assistantships and fellowships for limitations applying to students holding assistantships.)

Course schedule changes processed after deadlines must be accompanied by the approval of the student’s advisor, the instructors, and the dean of the Graduate School.

All graduate students who have matriculated at Kansas State University and are using faculty time and/or university facilities for research or other academic pursuits must be enrolled. The enrollment should reflect, as accurately as possible, the demands made on faculty time and use made of university facilities. Further, a graduate degree candidate must be enrolled during the term in which the requirements for a degree are completed.

A student working towards a Ph.D. must enroll during the term in which the preliminary examination is taken and subsequently in each term (summer terms excepted) until the degree requirements are satisfied and the dissertation is accepted by the Graduate School. Failure to enroll will result in loss of candidacy. To regain candidacy, the student will be re-examined over the areas covered in his or her preliminary examinations in a manner to be determined by the supervisory committee.

If it is necessary to interrupt progress toward the degree after the preliminary examination has been passed, then the student (or the major professor) may petition for leave of absence for up to one year which subsequently may be renewed. Renewals for those who are meeting a military service requirement will be automatic. The petition must be submitted at least one month before the effective date of leave. Approval must be granted by the major professor, chair of the department or graduate program, and the dean of the Graduate School.

Upon written notification, doctoral candidates, who have passed preliminary examinations and do not live in a 30-mile radius of Manhattan, may request the Graduate School to send enrollment information prior to an enrollment period. Candidates may then enroll themselves through the K-State Student Information System (KSIS). KSIS can also be accessed directly from the K-State home page.

Faculty and employees

Full-time faculty members and regular employees, with approval of their department heads or deans, may enroll in undergraduate or graduate work not to exceed 6 contact hours in fall and spring terms or 6 contact hours in the summer term.

Late enrollment

A $50 Special Handling Fee is assessed to students who enroll in classes on or after the first day of the semester.

Attendance policy

An instructor may drop a student from any or all components (e.g., lecture, recitation, lab, etc.) of a course if the student is absent at the beginning of the first class period of any component of the course. Students who cannot be in attendance should arrange prior permission from the instructor in order not to be dropped. For purposes of this policy, enrollment in and payment of tuition for a course do not constitute notification of intent to take a course.



If a student wants to add or drop a course or if an instructor recommends a change, then the student should confer with an advisor.

No student may add a course after the 7th calendar day of the semester without the permission of the instructor.

Course drops are calculated by calendar days and include Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The last day to drop a Regular Session course without a W being recorded is the end of the 36th calendar day of the semester. After the 68th day of the semester, courses may not be dropped. For Non-Standard courses the drop dates are prorated.


Curriculum Change

Students desiring to transfer from one college to another within the university should confer with both college deans’ offices.


Retake Policy

If the student received less than 3.0 in a course, the student may retake the course with approval of the major professor and the supervisory committee. If the course is retaken by the direction of the major professor and the supervisory committee, the original grade is noted as retaken and removed from the grade point average. The retake grade will always be used in computing the grade point average regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the original grade. A student may retake a course with subsequent removal of the prior grade only once for each course and for a total of two courses in the program of study. An approved program of study must be on file in the Graduate School at the time the retake request is submitted. Retake requests must be made prior to enrolling in the course.


Course Attendance

Attendance policies will be determined by the instructor of each course. Instructors will determine if, and the manner in which, work and examinations missed may be made up.


Withdrawal from the University

A student who withdraws from the university for the fall and spring semesters must complete a withdrawal form; contact the appropriate dean’s office. A summer semester withdrawal requires no approval from the dean’s office. Students should drop their courses in KSIS.

If a student withdraws during the first 36 calendar days of a  Regular Session course, no course enrollment will be recorded on the student’s academic record. Thereafter, a grade of W is recorded. Summer Sessions and Non-Standard sessions are prorated. The deadline for withdrawing from a Regular Session course is the 68th calendar day. Deadlines for Summer Sessions and Non-Standard Sessions are prorated.

If a student finds it necessary to withdraw from the university for verifiable nonacademic reasons after the 10th week, he or she should consult the appropriate dean’s office.

When a student withdraws from the university, student privileges, such as use of the Recreation Complex, stop.


Prep Week

The week before the final examination period (known as prep week) is set aside as a period of curtailed social activity. Except for honors, problems, seminar, reports, research, laboratory practical, language, studio and fine arts performance classes, the last examination (either unit or comprehensive) must be given during the final examination period published on the web. No examination (unit or final) may be scheduled seven calendar days prior to the first scheduled day of term examinations.


Final Examinations

A final examination period during which no regular courses meet is scheduled at the end of the fall and spring term. Final examinations are given during this period. Final examinations for summer term courses occur during the last week of each course at the course time and location.

Except for honors, problems, seminars, and language and fine arts performance courses, the last examination (last unit test or comprehensive test) in a course must be given during the examination period specified by the Committee on Academic Policy and Procedures and published in the Course Schedule. Courses may have take-home examinations, projects, papers (excluding term papers), or other media, in lieu of written final examinations as the last evaluation instrument in the course. In such instances, a deadline for submittal of the medium may not be earlier than the time of the end of the course’s scheduled examination period as published in the Course Schedule.

Guidelines for interpreting the term final examination schedule.