2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning
1086 Regnier Hall
Fax: 785-532-6722
Email: larcpadvising@ksu.edu
Department Head:
Stephanie Rolley
Graduate Faculty:
*Anne Beamish, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Blake M. Belanger, MLA, University of Colorado at Denver
Jason Brody, Ph.D., University of Illinois
Jessica Canfield, MLA, Harvard Graduate School of Design
*Brent Chamberlain, Ph.D., University of British Columbia
Laurence A. Clement, Jr., MLA, Kansas State University; JD, University of Kansas
Lynn Ewanow, MLA, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry
*Huston Gibson, Ph.D., Florida State University
Howard Hahn, MA, Kansas State University
Jon Hunt, MA, University of Colorado at Denver
*Hyung Jin Kim, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
*Timothy D. Keane, Ph.D., University of Michigan
*John W. Keller, MA, Kansas State University; MS, PhD, Rutgers University
Katie Kingery-Page, MLA, Kansas State University
Gregory Newmark, Ph.D., University of California
*Stephanie A. Rolley, MCP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*Lee R. Skabelund, MLA, University of Michigan
La Barbara James Wigfall, MCRP, Harvard University
William P. Winslow, III, MLA, University of Michigan
*Denotes graduate faculty that are certified to serve as the major professor for doctoral students
Graduate Faculty Associate:
Gary Stith, MCP, Ohio State University
The Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning offers a professional master of landscape architecture degree and a master of regional and community planning degree. The master of landscape architecture and master of regional and community planning are offered to non-baccalaureate as well as post-baccalaureate students. Both the non-baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate masters’ degrees are accredited by their respective professional accrediting agencies. Graduates of the programs are in demand throughout the country in private practice, governmental service, and academic setting.
The department also offers an online master of science degree in community development. The community development master’s degree program provides the skills, information and networks needed to facilitate sustainable and prosperous community change. It equips practitioners with the tools necessary to build a community in the 21st Century.
Master of Landscape Architecture
Master of Regional and Community Planning
Master of Science
Graduate Certificate
Regional and Community Planning
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