Sep 19, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees

The current schedule of tuition and fees is available on the web. There is no guarantee this schedule will not be changed without notice before the beginning of any semester.

This schedule does not limit the charges that may be collected under arrangements with other governmental or private agencies, except that such arrangements may not provide for lesser charges. Compensatory or other charges to more nearly cover the actual cost of instruction are specifically authorized.

Students will be assessed for all hours in which they are enrolled, including those for which the grade of W is recorded. Students withdrawing from courses are eligible for refunds in accordance with the refund policy.

Students receiving scholarships or grants not processed through the K-State Office of Student Financial Assistance before registration will be required to pay the full amount of their tuition and fees from personal resources.

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Unless a deferment is granted, students should pay the total amount of their semester tuition and fees by the due date on the electronic statement of account they receive. A special handling fee is assessed for students who enroll after the start of classes and a 1.5% default charge is assessed for any balance billed but not paid by the due date.

In addition, a student may choose to sign up for a four-installment payment plan during fall and spring semesters and a two-month installment plan during the summer semester. There will be a $40.00 administrative fee for utilizing the installment plan Fall and Spring and $20.00 for Summer. For more information contact the University Cashiers Office, 212 Anderson Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-0114 or phone (785) 532-6317.


If the student’s eligibility to receive financial aid is verifiable, the director of student financial assistance may authorize the deferment of payment of tuition and fees in accordance with the Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual (Chapter 2, Section E). The student’s obligation to pay regularly assessed tuition and fees is not reduced by an approval to defer payment.

  1. Those students who have fulfilled the application requirements and whose awards have been made by the June packaging date, but whose aid has not been disbursed may be eligible for deferments. Deferments may be granted only to the approved level of financial aid eligibility. The amount of tuition and fees over and above the anticipated financial aid award must be paid by the student.
  2. Graduate students on assistantship who are employed in a research or teaching assistantship and will be receiving a university paycheck.
  3. Veterans receiving benefits. Full tuition/fee deferment.
  4. International students. Full tuition/fee deferment.

A student may choose to sign up for the Tuition Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) offered by the university. Information is available in the Cashier’s Office in Anderson Hall or it can be accessed online. A default charge will be suppressed only until November 15 (Fall semester), April 15 (Spring semester) and July 15 (Summer semester). If an unpaid balance remains as of those dates, the 1.5% default charge will be assessed.

Returned checks
Tuition and fee payment checks that are returned uncollectable by financial institutions will be subject to a $30 charge, in addition to all other fees.

Withholding student records
The university withholds students’ academic records for nonpayment of tuition and fees, loans, and other appropriate charges and for no return of university property. The student will also not be allowed further enrollment when tuition or fees are past due.

Fee descriptions

  • Tuition: This fee is the student’s contribution toward the costs of instruction and covers approximately 20 to 25 percent of the instructional costs.
  • Privilege fees: The Kansas State University privilege fee provides students with services, activities, and supplemental educational opportunities tailored to fulfill their academic and personal goals. Examples of privilege fees include:

    • Educational Opportunity Fund: This fee aids the academic achievement and progress of underrepresented K-State students.
    • Student health: For a description of the services provided by this fee, see the Services for Students  section in this catalog or the Lafene Health Center web page.
    • K-State Student Union repair and replacement: This fee is used for repairs and replacements at the K-State Student Union.
    • Recreation Complex expansion fee: Fall 2007 a student referendum was passed allowing bonds to be issued to support the expansion of the Recreation Complex. This bond issue is to be retired by the continuation of part of the previously assessed fee for the retirement of the original construction bond indebtedness.
    • Bramlage Coliseum repair and replacement fee: In 1992 student legislation provided for the continuation of a portion of the debt retirement fee previously assessed for the Bramlage Coliseum bonds following their retirement in May of 1993.
    • Library expansion fee: In 1991 a student referendum was passed providing for a $5 million commitment by students to partially fund the expansion of the library. This commitment is to provide a bond issue to be retired, in part, by a continuation of student debt service fees which were previously assessed for the retirement of Bramlage and Holton Hall bonds.
    • Activity: This fee is used for a range of student interests and activities.
    • K-State Student Union: This fee is used for the administration, support, and operation of the K-State Student Union.
    • Student publications: This fee supports the Collegian and Royal Purple.
    • Recreational Services: This fee supports the Recreation Complex (equipment, interior upkeep, supplies, etc.).
    • KSDB-FM: This fee supports the student radio station (equipment, means of service to operate the station, recent upgrade of power wattage, etc.).
    • Athletics: This fee supports intercollegiate athletics.
    • Fine arts: This fee supports fine arts programming (theater, dance, music, art, etc.).
    • Office of Student Activities and Services: This fee was implemented to separate the administrative operating budget of the Student Governing Association and its entities from the student activity fee, thus removing it from competition with general student groups within the same funding pool.
    • Union enhancement: This fee will enable the K-State Student Union to expand the building and enhance and improve infrastructure deficiencies. The finished product will create an environment that will serve the needs of its customers much more efficiently.
    • Programming fee: This fee allows the Union Program Council to select a broad variety of events and attract current national talents to the campus.


Schedule of Fees

The current schedule of tuition and fees is available on the web.

Students enrolled in a spring semester but not attending summer semester, may use Lafene Health Center services during the summer by paying the health privilege fee assessed to a summer student enrolled in six or more credit hours, due prior to receiving services. A student who has paid the health privilege fee in a current semester may elect to provide his/her non-student spouse with health service eligibility by paying the health privilege fee assessed to a full-time student, as defined by the university, for the fall and spring semesters or the summer semester fee defined above. This fee is also due prior to receiving services. Please note that all international students are required to maintain health insurance and evacuation/repatriation coverage while being a student at Kansas State University.

These special health service fees do not include the use of University Counseling Services. Full-time employees of Kansas State University enrolled in classes are not assessed a student health fee, but may elect to pay the fee, based upon enrolled credit hours, and therefore be eligible for Lafene Health Center services.

Students who will attend classes off-campus in excess of the 30-miles radius for an entire semester and who will reside outside of a 30-mile radius of the Manhattan campus during that semester are exempt from all campus privilege fees.

Employees (as defined in the Eligibility for Resident Tuition section) are assessed the resident tuition.

Summer semester campus privilege fees are not applicable to students enrolled in formally organized classes actually conducted at off-campus locations.

Auditing, which allows class attendance without participation or credit upon approval of the instructor, is permitted at no charge on a space-available basis. This privilege is not applicable to laboratory and Division of Continuing Education courses.

American Institute of Baking Students

Students enrolled in a regular semester at the American Institute of Baking will be considered adjunct students by paying the maximum campus privilege fees as indicated in the comprehensive fee schedule. These students will be entitled to use the Lafene Health Center, K-State Student Union, and Recreational Center, and to purchase tickets for athletic and cultural events at student prices.

For more information

Please refer to the comprehensive fee schedule for additional details concerning fees for study abroad, field camps, and other K-State programs.


Schedule of Fees for K-State Salina

The current schedule of tuition and fees is available on the web.

Flight training lab fees per hour

Flight training lab fees per hour information is available on the web. 

For more information

Please refer to the K-State at Salina comprehensive fee schedule for additional details concerning specific university fees.


Students Eligible to Pay Resident Tuition

  1. Residents

Guidelines for the determination of residency for tuition purposes are set forth in Appendix D, Residency Rules and Regulations, of the Policy and Procedures Manual for the Kansas Board of Regents along with referenced Kansas Statutes and Administrative Regulations. For more information go to the web page.

Residence means a person’s primary place of habitation. Generally the residence of a student who is a dependent child is determined by the residence of the student’s parent(s). Adult students who have not been residents of Kansas for 12 months prior to starting classes are nonresidents for tuition purposes. Dependent students whose parents have not been residents of Kansas for 12 months are also nonresidents. Persons who are bona fide residents of Kansas and leave the state will retain their status as residents if they return and establish residence withing five years. 

  1. Employees

    1. Employees of universities under the Kansas Board of Regents, other than hourly student employees, working four-tenths time or more as follows:

      For fall semesters: Employed September 1 through November 17.
      For spring semesters: Employed February 1 through April 17.
      For summer semesters: Employed the duration or employed from February 1 through April 17.
      Exceptions to the above requirements can be made for the semester in which a graduate degree is awarded.

    2. Employees of the federal government given adjunct appointments at Kansas State University or assigned to one of the ROTC units at K-State.
  2. Military

    1. Active military service personnel living in Kansas and military personnel assigned to K-State as full-time students.
    2. People who are domiciliary residents of the state, who were in active military service prior to becoming domiciliary residents of the state, who were present in the state for a period of time during their tenure in active military service, whose domiciliary residence was established in the state prior to the first day of classes for the specified term, but whose domiciliary residence was not established in time to meet the residence duration requirement.
    3. Members of the Kansas Army or Air National Guard.
  3. Dependents

    1. Spouses and dependent children of full time employees defined in #2
    2. Spouses and dependent children of military personnel defined in #3. In the case of death or divorce of the military service person, or if the military person is reassigned to a duty station outside of Kansas, dependent students will continue to be eligible if they maintain continuous enrollment and continue to reside in Kansas.
    3. Dependent children of divorced parents if one parent is a bona fide resident of Kansas.
  4. Exchange students from Missouri

Qualified students eligible to pay resident tuition at the University of Missouri who are enrolled in the following programs at Kansas State University: master of architecture; bachelor of architectural engineering; master of interior architecture; master of landscape architecture. 

This privilege is granted in exchange for resident tuition for qualified Kansas students who enroll in certain programs in Missouri. (Subject to limitation arbitrated by Kansas Board of Regents and Missouri Board of Education.) 

  1. Kansas high school graduates

People who were domiciliary residents of Kansas at the time of graduation from a high school accredited by the State Board of Education, or within 12 months prior to graduation from high school, and who are entitled to admission at a state educational institution pursuant to KSA 72-116 and its amendments, and who begin classes within six months of high school graduation.

  1. Recruited/transferred employees

Students who establish residence in Kansas because they have been recruited to full-time employment in Kansas or transferred to a Kansas location within the last 12 months and their dependents. Self-employed persons are not eligible for this resident tuition status.


Refund Policy

This policy is subject to change without notice.

The following information applies to students who completely withdraw from a semester or field camp and to the reduction, if any, in tuition and fees for students who reduce their enrollment. Refund percentages will not apply if enrollment is reduced then later increased to the same number of credit hours and level of courses (grad or undergrad) during the same refund percentage period. Refunds will not be made until the refund cycle following the 20th day of classes. Students who completely withdraw from a semester lose access to all campus services as of the date of withdrawal.

The current refund schedule is available on the web.  

Students receiving federal student financial assistance will be subject to the federal refund guidelines. Contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance for additional information.

Students serving in the National Guard or Reserves who are called to active duty during an academic semester are entitled to receive a full refund of tuition and fees. Students who are called up and must report for active duty during an academic semester are entitled to receive a full refund of tuition and fees. All refunds are subject to presentation of official military documentation. Students who volunteer for military service will be subject to the university’s non-military refund policy. Room and board charges will be prorated to the extent that services have been provided.

Continuing education refunds
The current refund schedule is available on the web.

Extension credit courses
The current refund schedule is available on the web.

Non-credit courses
Fees are non-refundable unless, subsequent to acceptance of the fees, the service, at the option of the university, is not provided.

Conferences and non-credit programs
Refund policies will be published in the registration brochure, and refunds for cancellation of registration will be determined in relation to the actual share of the participant cost in effect at the time of the cancellation request.