Mar 13, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Interdisciplinary Programs


Biochemistry is an interdepartmental graduate program with faculty participants from many academic departments of the University.

Director of graduate studies:

Michal Zolkiewski

Graduate faculty:

Katsura Asano, (Biology), Ph.D., University of Tokyo.
Richard Baybutt, (Human Nutrition), Ph.D., Penn State University.
Jianhan Chen, Ph.D., University of California at Irvine.
Lawrence C. Davis, Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Lisa Freeman, (Anatomy and Physiology), Ph.D., Ohio State University.
Roman Reddy Ganta, (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Ph.D., All India Institute of Medical Science.
Michael R. Kanost, Ph.D., Purdue University.
Sanjay Kapil, (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Ph.D., Purdue University.
Karl J. Kramer, Ph.D., University of Arizona.
Ramaswamy Krishnamoorthi, Ph.D., University of California, Davis.
George Marchin, (Biology), Ph.D., University of Kansas Medical Center.
Silvia Mora, (Biology), Ph.D., University of Barcelona, Spain.
S. Muthukrishnan, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Om Prakash, Ph.D., Central Drug Research Institute, India.
Gerald R. Reeck, Ph.D., University of Washington.
Thomas E. Roche, Ph.D., Washington State University.
Paul A. Seib, (Grain Science), Ph.D., Purdue University.
Paul E. Smith, (Chemistry), Ph.D., University of Liverpool, England.
Dolores J. Takemoto, Ph.D., University of Southern California.
John M. Tomich, Ph.D., Guelph-Waterloo University, Canada.
Philine Wangemann, (Anatomy and Physiology), Ph.D., Freiburg, Germany.
Qize Wei, Ph.D., Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, P.R. China.
Ruth Welti, (Biology), Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis.
Anna Zolkiewska, Ph.D., Nencki Institute of Exp. Biology, Poland.
Michal Zolkiewski, Ph.D., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland.
Rachel Zufferey, Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.


Biochemistry explores the molecular basis of life processes. It examines structure, function, assembly, and dynamic changes of macromolecules and the chemistry and dynamics of small molecules. Through use of recombinant DNA technology and new instrumentation, a revolution is underway in our understanding of the ways that plants and animals regulate metabolic processes and express genetic information. Researchers at Kansas State University are in the forefront of that revolution. The study of biochemistry at Kansas State University is conducted under a versatile arrangement through which faculty of the Department of Biochemistry and faculty in other departments cooperate in a graduate biochemistry program. Both fundamental questions about living processes and applications to living systems are supported in this interdisciplinary program.

Degree programs

The biochemistry program seeks excellence in teaching and research through a program tailored to the development of the individual student. The core curriculum is broad and students are expected to specialize through appropriate choice of advanced courses from the many offerings taught by faculty in their areas of research expertise. A strong seminar program involves presentations by eminent visiting scholars from around the world and by the faculty of many departments on campus. A graduate student seminar program provides further opportunity for acquiring insights into new developments in the field.

The Graduate Biochemistry Group administers granting of M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in biochemistry whether the research is conducted within the Department of Biochemistry or in other cooperating departments. The program of study is flexible, accommodating students with a wide range of backgrounds, including genetics, microbiology, physics, and medicine as well as the traditional chemistry, biochemistry, and biology degrees. Students are admitted to either the M.S. or the Ph.D. program based on qualifications, which include undergraduate and graduate performance, letters of recommendation, and program of study deficiencies.

Students in either the M.S. or Ph.D. degree program take the two-semester, comprehensive, core biochemistry courses Biochemistry I and II and the associated laboratories, plus a one semester course in physical biochemistry. All students are expected to attend the weekly graduate student seminar and individual research group meetings. For the M.S. degree, students must complete 22 to 24 hours of course work and do research leading to a satisfactory thesis. For the Ph.D., 10 hours of biology courses are required, and advanced chemistry courses are encouraged.

Admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. requires satisfactory performance in the two core biochemistry courses, and, early in the second year, preparation and defense of a research proposal on a topic selected by the student in consultation with their supervisory committee. This defense serves as the preliminary examination for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. Approximately 30 to 40 hours of course work are required for the Ph.D. in addition to research for a satisfactory dissertation.

Financial support of graduate students

Within the Department of Biochemistry, support for graduate teaching assistants is through the College of Arts and Sciences. Graduate research assistants are supported through the Agricultural Experiment

Station and by research grants. Usually a student is admitted to the graduate program in biochemistry only if university funds are available for salary support or if the student has another source of support such as a government (U.S. or other) fellowship. U.S. citizens with a strong undergraduate record can apply for NSF predoctoral fellowships. Some supplements to teaching and research support are available on a competitive basis from the Graduate School for outstanding U.S. students.

Incoming students receive half of their support in the form of teaching assistantships (requiring six contact hours per week) and half in the form of a research assistantship. After the first year, the teaching assistantship may be replaced by extramural support. This is expected for Ph.D. candidates beyond their third year of study.

Graduate students in the B.S./M.S. dual degree program will not be expected to teach and will not be supported by departmental teaching or research assistantships. They are eligible for support as research assistants in laboratoies of individual faculty members.

Student fees

For graduate teaching assistants and graduate research assistants, student fees are assessed at the instate level. Students receiving such support are required to enroll in 10 credit hours each semester. A waiver of half the tuition costs is provided to those supported as combined graduate teaching/research assistants.

Research environment and facilities

More than two dozen faculty members are formally associated with the Graduate Biochemistry Group. Many others with interests in biochemistry and molecular biology are collaborative investigators and participants on graduate student supervisory committees. The research environment in biochemistry is exciting and vigorous because of these diverse but interacting programs. Our graduates compete favorably with those from the world’s best programs because they are well trained in biochemical literature and research techniques. Members of the group currently receive more than $3 million per year in outside research funds. These funds support technicians, postdoctoral fellows, and some graduate research assistants at later stages of their career. They also allow purchase of up-to-date research equipment and supplies.

The Department of Biochemistry has 14 large research suites. Seven are located in the Chemistry-Biochemistry Building. That building also houses the department’s teaching laboratories. The other research suites are located in Burt and Willard Halls. The department is well equipped for advanced research in a wide range of areas. NMR studies are conducted within the NMR Facility using Varian 500 MHz Unity Plus NMR with triple channel detection, pulsefield gradient, and high stability temperature control and waveform generation. Data collection and processing are done with Silicon Graphics Indigo work stations. Other biophysical studies are conducted with conventional and magnetic circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy with fluorescence polarization capability and UV-Visible differential scanning spectroscopy. A new analytical ultracentrifuge (Beckman XL-I), micro calorimeters (MicroCal VP-DSC and isothermal titration calorimeter), and a surface plasmon resonance instrument (Biacore 3000) enhance studies of macromolecule interactions and folding properties.

The department has equipment and technical capability for gene cloning (supported by polymerasechain reaction capabilities) and all varieties of electrophoresis experiments. For preparative procedures the department has multiple ultracentrifuges, high pressure liquid chromatographs, and facilities for both anaerobic enzyme preparations and large scale preparations of subcellular organelles. The department has several cold rooms, animal cell culture facilities, instrument rooms, and dark rooms. Facilities are available for housing animals and growing plants year-round. Analytical instruments include scintillation counters, gamma counters, scanning spectrophotometers, and absorbance, fluorescence, and electrochemical detection for analysis of samples separated by HPLC.

The university Biotechnology Core Facility is housed within the Department of Biochemistry and provides both instruments and expertise for mass spectometry of biopolymers, oligonucleotide synthesis, peptide synthesis and gas-phase peptide sequencing. High resolution purification of peptides and synthesis of peptides containing non-natural amino acids are areas of special interest.

A plant transformation center, centrally supported and housed in Throckmorton Plant Sciences Complex, is regularly used by graduate group members. Greenhouse space there is used to grow transformed crop plants.

Additional facilities are also available on campus: DNA sequencing, fluorescence-activated cell sorting, electron microscopy (transmission and scanning), quasi-elastic light scattering, GLC-mass spectrometry, emission spectrometry, Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry, atomic absorption and stopped flow kinetics. Parallel computing, mini super-computers, and ethernet and internet networks are available throughout the campus. There are 5 DEC alpha 600 MHz workstations in the department.

Job opportunities

Biochemistry and molecular biology are growth areas in the economy of the next century. Graduate training in biochemistry provides a strong base for varied academic and technological careers. Our Ph. D. and postdoctoral graduates find positions not only in departments of biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology, but also in biology, chemistry, pharmacology, nutrition and medicine. Doctoral graduates find positions requiring independent work in a wide range of industries including biotechnology, chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, and food technology. M.S. graduates occupy skilled technical positions in industry, government and academic research laboratories. Many also continue for the Ph.D. at this or other institutions.

For more information

For additional information and application materials please contact:
Michal Zolkiewski
Chair, Graduate Biochemistry Group
Kansas State University
141 Chalmers Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3702

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